Chapter 3 - Up All Night

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We run down the isles and twist ourselves away as much as possible from both the front, and the side where Louis's team was. We end up stopping in the baby stuff isle.

"Wait a minute." I say quietly to Niall and Harry. "What?" They ask. "Well, I don't know how you boys play hide and seek, but we never exactly established who was 'it'." I say. "Ohhh." Harry says. "The way we play, whoever gets last pick gets to seek." Niall says to me. "Oh okay. Shouldn't that be opposite?" I ask. "Yeah, but we like being 'it'." Harry smirks. I stick my tongue out at him. "Guys, I'm hungry." Niall says, crossing his arms. "Niall, you're always hungry." Harry laughs. I hear something. "Guys! I heard something! Hide!" I say quickly and quietly. We jump behind the boxes of baby strollers and sit, not saying a word. Niall begins to chuckle. "Shh." Harry shushes Niall. I look over to him and he's quietly laughing even harder. "What's so funny?" I whisper to Harry. "Nobody ever knows, Nialler laughs alot." Harry whispers back.

Suddenly, the noise I heard so close. We all freeze. The box in front of us moves, revealing a lady with a baby in her arms and an older girl, probably fourteen, behind her. Niall starts laughing so hard. Harry just chuckles and gives a smile and wave, while I just laugh silently. "Uhm, excuse us.." The lady says. She pushes the box back to its place. "Omg, mom, that was Harry Styles! And Niall Horan!" We hear as they walk away. Niall goes into an absolute laughing fit. "Shut up, will ya?" Harry laughs and hits Niall's arm playfully. "Okay, okay." Niall says, letting out a few giggles as he calms himself. We all look at each other and start laughing.

The boxes spread apart, revealing our location. Standing before us are Louis, Zayn and Liam. "Found you guys!! You really do suck at staying quiet." Louis says. Harry, Niall and I stand up out of our box hideout. "Weee get to hiiiide!" Louis says, skipping away. Liam and Zayn just chuckle and turn around to follow Louis. "Wait guys!" I say quickly. Liam and Zayn turn around to face us. "Where'd you guys start?" I ask. "Our side in the very front." Zayn says. "Okay, we'll start over here in the front then." Harry says. They nod and quickly catch up with Louis, who is already out of sight.

We head to the front. "Guuuuys. I'm bloody hungry." Niall whines. "Aren't you always?" I laugh. He nods. "Hey look, there's a little pizza hut inside here." Harry points to a cafe looking section in the front. "PIZZA!!!" Niall cheers. I smile at him, as he runs over to the cafe and gets in line. I find it quite funny how little people are here, and yet nobody seems to notice us. Harry and I speed walk over to Niall, who's staring intently at the pictures on the menu. There are a few girls in line, and they stare at Niall and Harry, seeming to recognize them.

"Hi." One girl says to Harry. He smiles and fluffs his hair up. "Hi there, beautiful." The girls almost die. I roll my eyes at him. "Flirt." I mutter. "What's that?" He says, turning to me. "Nothing." I say, I can't help but smile. "So, you're Harry Styles?" The other girl says. "Mhmm, you bet." He says, winking at them. They melt. I turn to Niall, not bothering to see how Harry further tortures the girls. "Look Lay, they have pizza, and churros, and popcorn, and even chicken!" Niall says to me. He sounds like a kid in the candy store. "Yup. What do you want?" I ask. "Everything." His eyes light up. I smile at him, he's quite adorable, all of them are really.

"Next in line." The cashier says. Niall moves up. "Can I have one of everything?" He says. I didn't think he was serious. "Uhm, sure." The cashier says to him. She looks confused. "Do you have enough money for all that, Niall?" I ask. "Wait, Niall? Like from One Direction?!" The cashier asks. "Indeed." Niall says, smiling at her. She turns red. "Excuse me, please." She scurries off. Niall turns to me. "I might not have enough, Lay. Will you pitch in?" He asks. I look in my pockets. All I got is ten bucks. I hand him my money. "That's all I got, Ni." I say. "It's okay, it helps. Thanks." He smiles. Niall notices Harry flirting with the poor girls. "Harry, quit flirting, yeah? Come on and give me some money too, I'm going to need it." Niall sighs. Harry turns around. "Fine. You're spending too much time with Daddy Direction, Nialler." He says, teasing him. Niall sticks his tongue out at him. Harry turns to the girls, "Sorry ladies, the lad and my girl here want me to get back to them." He apologizes. Did he call me his girl? I blush a bit. The girls look disappointed. "Bye, Harry." They say and walk away. "Flirt, you are." Niall snorts. "You've crushed them, I bet." I say. "Aw, come on, I wasn't hurting them. I was just-" He flips his hair before continuing, "being me." He smiles. I shove him lightly. "You know you love me." He says to me. "I might." I say, twirling my hair like a fangirl. Niall rolls his eyes and Harry just smiles.

Live While We're Young (One Direction/Larry Stylinson Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now