Chapter 4 - C'mon, C'mon

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A/N: First of all, thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting <3 I really appreciate it :) I love you all, no homo!! :p <3

I wake up suddenly. Not wanting to get up, I roll over on my side.

"Wake up, sleepy head." A familiar voice says.

"C'mon love, wake up." Another voice says.

"We should let her sleep."

"She'll miss brunch."

"Nobody cares about brunch as much as you, Niall."

I shoot up. In front of me, the One Direction boys. I wasn't dreaming?! I think. "Ready, one, two, three." Harry says. "Good morning, good morning, good morning, Layla, good morning!!!" They all sing. "Hi boys." I smile. "What would you like for breakfast- erhm, lunch, eh, brunch?" Liam says, trying to decide what to call it. "Well, what do you have?" I ask politely. "Not alot." Zayn says, glaring at Niall. Niall turns red and just waves. "Haha, it's okay." I say. "We can order room service!! And we can get the pancakes with the chocolate chips that are yummy." Louis says. "Sure." I nod and smile. "Yay!!" He cheers. "I can run down and get some-" I start, "No, no, you just woke up. I'll go get some." Liam offers. "Okay. How will they know to not charge you?" I ask. "Here, I'll take Harry." He smiles. Harry flips his hair around. "The ladies love me, what can I say?" He says. I stick my tongue out at him. "Wonder why.." I joke. "Flirt." Zayn laughs. "Why don't us all go and then Layla can get ready for the day, yeah?" Harry suggests. "Okay, thanks." I smile. "Pancaaaaakes!" Louis whines. "Alright, alright, we'll leave." Zayn says. "Coming, Nialler?" Liam asks. Niall nods. "See you in a bit, we'll keep your food warm. And not eaten." Harry says, glaring at Niall. "Whaaat?" He smiles. With that, they exit.

I stand and wait till they've been gone for a bit before I head out to the elevator. Good thing we have a second house up here, I think. I go to the lobby and head outside, walking across the field to the big farmhouse we have. I take the key out from under the mat, unlock the door and walk inside, shutting the door behind me. I run up the stairs to my room.

My room is painted a light yellow, decorated with purple butterfly ornament type things on the walls. My bed is big and has light pink bedding. I have a vanity and a big closet too. I pick out blue jeans, a red sparkly shirt, and a navy blue jacket, with black sandals. I quickly jump in the shower and then get dressed, putting on eyeshadow, brushing my hair and teeth. I'm about to call the boys to tell them I'm coming, when I realize my phone fell out onto the couch. I dial my cell number on our home phone.

"Hello!! This is Louis Tomlinson. Who are you and why are you calling Layla?!" Louis's voice says through the phone. "Louis, it is Layla. I left my phone, so I'm calling to say-" "IT'S LAYLA GUYS OH MY GOSH!!" Louis shouts. I smile to myself. "Okay love, go ahead, you're on speaker." I hear Harry say. "I was just calling to say I'll be right over." I say, giggling. "Oh okay." Zayn says. "Well bye!!" Louis says. "Bye!!" They all call before it hangs up. I'm lucky to have them, I think.

I leave the house, locking the door and putting the key under the mat, and I walk back to the hotel. Once I finally get to the room, I find the boys playing with my phone.

"Guys.." I say. They all look at me like little kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. "We were just putting our numbers in your phone!" Niall explains. I smile. "Thanks." I say. "And we might've put some of our songs on your phone.." Liam says, face-palming. "Like all of them.." Louis nods. I smile. "Well now I have all of you with me all the time." I say. "Your telling me." Zayn chuckles, showing me that they changed my background to pictures of them. "You guys." I say, sucking them into a group hug.

"What?" Niall says breaking the silence. We burst into laughter.

We all sit down and eat our pancakes. "How'd you guys approach the cooks?" I ask. They all giggle. "Well, we went up and asked, 'can we have some chocolate chip pancakes?' and they looked at us like, 'who do you think you are', and then they recognized us." Zayn smirks. "And wanted autographs." Niall says. "And pictures." Liam adds. "And Harry was a flirt as always." Zayn says. Louis makes a pouty face at Harry. "Don't worry, Boo, it's gotta be you." Harry sings to Louis. Louis plays with Harry's hair and smiles.

Live While We're Young (One Direction/Larry Stylinson Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now