a learning curve, ii.

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Shigaraki clapped his hand against my shoulder gruffly before letting go, returning to his seat at the wall. Dabi, Kuri, Compress, and Toga followed suit, leaving just Twice and I facing each other. His mask showed the shadow of a wide smile as he rubbed his hands together. "Before I show you how my quirk works, tell me, how does your quirk work?"

"Well," I started, taking a deep breath and raising my eyebrows as he started to pull a tape measure from the cuff of his right sleeve, "I can mirror a quirk as long as the person I am mirroring is about to use it or is actively using it. I can do it faster if I know what their quirk is." 

I went to take a step back as he knelt down and started to measure the circumference of my ankle, but he grabbed me firmly and looked back up at me. "Keep talking. I'll explain in a minute." His voice was light and airy. "Now what were you saying?"

"Uh," I stammered as he started to measure my foot and then pinned the end of the tape measure under my foot and slowly stood up, checking my height, "I can also only mirror one at a time. At least that I know of. And whatever the user of the original quirk experiences when they use their quirk, I experience it, too. "

The tape measure whistled as he sprung up from under my foot and returned to his hand at the top of my head. "Five feet even, huh?" He whistled before wrapping it around my forehead. "Anything else?"

"Not that I can think of-"

"Hang on a sec-" He jolted for a minute, cocking his head entirely sideways and staring at me, the eyes of his mask widening. "Can you copy quirks if you see them on TV?"

I blinked at him, wracking my brain. "I don't think I've ever tried that, honestly," I admitted quietly, "so I have no idea."

He stretched the tape measure down the length of my arm, tapping his foot on the ground. "Well maybe we should give that a shot later, eh?" He wrapped the tape measure quickly around my wrist before grabbing my hand splaying it open, measuring my palm and fingers. "Almost done, Jinx." He measured the width of my shoulders quickly, patting my back.

"Mouse." I heard Dabi mutter softly from his seat. I glanced back at him and immediately went red-faced. His expression was hard and sullen; he sat leaned backwards in his seat, his legs spread and his arms crossed. His stapled grin had vanished and was instead replaced with his lips pressed in a tense, thin line. His eyes were not on me.

Twice yanked my arms into the air. "Keep those up there. Just one more thing." He wrapped the tape measure around my waist and pulled it tight. I squeaked as he did so, more surprised than anything. I heard Dabi grumble something unintelligible, followed immediately by Shigaraki's shrill laugh once more.  A giggle erupted from Toga as Twice's tape measure retracted back into his suit. He grabbed my wrists and guided my arms down before stepping back. He clasped his hands together and leaned around me, staring behind me for a moment before looking back to me. More laughter erupted from behind me - this time, everyone except Dabi. Twice chattered nervously, pointing behind me; "Are you guys sure there isn't anything I should know about? Because Dabi looks pretty-"

"Shut the fuck up." Dabi's voiced echoed coldly in the room. More laughter ensued. I felt my face get hot. Twice looked back to me, his eyebrows waggling underneath his mask.

I shook my head, swallowing hard. "The answer is still no." I wrung my hands together as I could feel Dabi's glare burning a hole into my back. "Anyways," my voice cracked, "what was all of that for?"

"I'm glad you asked." He took another step back, clasping his hands together. "I, too, can copy things. And it's mostly painless. I have a doubling quirk. I can create doubles of people and things," he rubbed his hands together, "it's easier if I know exact dimensions. And I need to make physical contact. They're never as great as the original," one of the eyes of his mask twitched, suggesting a wink, "but they work great for distraction and recon."

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