starting over.

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I didn't remember falling asleep. Just crying more and more softly until I suppose I drifted off to the sound of my own cries and whatever webshow he'd been watching on his phone.

I woke up slowly and hazily, sitting up and noticing that he had covered me not only with the plush yellow blanket, but also with the Sailor Moon blanket from my bag. Something crinkled softly in the blankets as I sat up, my back twitching in pain from my nap on the floor. I stretched, looking around and noticing that Dabi was no longer on the couch.

I fumbled around in the blankets for whatever the cause of the crinkling noise was, patting around until I'd found a note messily scrawled onto a crumpled up piece of notebook paper. I shined the flashlight from the phone onto it so I could make out what it said. It read:

I'm sorry about last night. Or this morning. Whatever you want to call it.
I'll be in the living room when you get up.
Start over before we send you off?
Resident Captor,

I closed my eyes and crumpled the note in my hand, exhaling hard through my nose. I should have known.

His words from the night before echoed around in my head, despite my efforts to shake them off. I didn't get him. I didn't get him at all. Is this his bizarre way of trying to make friends? You offer me a slight peek into some semblance of humanity and vulnerability and then...threaten my life the next moment? 

"You're here because I want you to be." "I'm all you've got now."

I shuddered. "You're no hostage, Bambi. I'd prefer not to treat you like one." That one rang in my head on loop, clear as a bell. No hostage? If not a hostage, then what did he think I was?

We weren't friends. At least I wouldn't call us that. And we certainly weren't together. He kept me trapped in his house and branded his literal handprint on my leg - he branded me like fucking cattle. I wouldn't say any of that constituted friendship on any terms. If anything, I felt more like a sad little pet than a person.

My stomach flipped at the thought. Was that how he saw me?

I stood up slowly, fiddling with the note in my hand for a moment in the dark before sweeping the room with my phone's flashlight. I padded over to the couch in front of the door and climbed up onto the couch. My hand hovered over the door knob for a moment, apprehensive about seeing him again. There was no telling what kind of mood he was in this morning. After taking a deep breath, I opened the door and climbed over the back of the couch into the hallway. I was going to have to face him eventually.

I turned the corner into the living room and let out a tiny gasp. He was sitting cross-legged on his living room floor, staring up at his TV - which he had apparently hooked my Playstation up to - and was playing Red Dead Redemption 2  with the volume so low I almost thought he had muted it.

He heard me gasp and paused the game, looking over his shoulder and flashing me a toothy grin. "Good morning, little mouse," he patted the ground next to him, winking at me, "come sit with me."

I tiptoed over next to him and slowly sat down in a little ball next to him, tucking my knees into my chest and leaving about a foot between us. He looked over to me and then at the distance between us, rolling his eyes before scooting right up next to me and scowling. "I said, good morning, little mouse." He greeted again, his jovial tone fading.

"Good - good morning, Dabi." I stammered, my face flushing as he relaxed his expression.

"That's better." He offered me the white controller in his hand and I waved it away cautiously, my eyes still locked on his face. "I made my own profile on here. I didn't think you'd mind."

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