🍋a learning curve, iii.🍋

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Dabi stormed down the hallway with me in tow, walking so fast that as he was dragging me behind him, I was running almost full speed. I was unable to keep up with his fast, long-legged stride. The echo of his heavy boots stomping throughout the hall echoed and reverberated off of the walls. The grip he had on my wrist was so tight that I felt like the joints in my wrist were slowly being separated with each step.

"Dabi-" I whimpered, trying to turn my wrist.

"Enough-" He snapped, not looking back at me as we got closer to the elevator.

I tried to gently tug my hand away and yelped as he tightened his grip. "Dabi, please, you're-"

He yanked me violently, my shoulder cracking loudly as I stumbled forward. "Enough, mouse-" 

"Dabi, you're hurting me-" I shrieked as he yanked again, causing me to crumple to the ground in front of the elevator as he slammed his free hand against the button. 

As the elevator rumbled to life, he dropped my wrist and knelt down in front of me, his eyes glowing in the darkness. I opened my mouth to speak and he slapped me hard across the face, his eye twitching as he made contact. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I closed my mouth, slamming my teeth together. He continued to glare at me silently until the elevator opened. He pointed silently into the open elevator, his jaw taut and twitching as I scrambled to my feet and backed into the elevator.

He stepped in and the door closed behind him. His chest heaved up and down as he breathed heavily through his nose, his head cocked back as he looked down at me, still grinding his teeth. He kept cracking his fingers one at a time on each hand, pinning me to the wall with an intense stare. I couldn't pin the emotions flitting across his face, but something danced behind the anger - something he didn't want me to see.

Embarrassment? Pity? Disgust?

He leaned forward and looked down his nose at me, his eyelids heavy. My stomach flipped as I shrunk back. He started to stretch his hand out towards me slowly, slightly parting his lips as if he wanted to say something. He pulled his hand back though, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head, before groaning loudly and turning and whaling a massive fist into the elevator wall. 

The elevator shook for a moment. He rested with his fist against the wall and pressed his head against it, sighing. He turned his head, still pressed to the wall, and stared at me with a grimace. My stomach flipped again.

I gulped. Was he...did Overhaul make him jealous?

The elevator started to rumble to a stop and he leaned away from the wall, rubbing his face with his palms. As the doors parted to our floor, he held the elevator door for me. I went to walk past him and he grabbed me by my uninjured shoulder.

I tensed, but didn't pull away. He loosened his grip slightly as the elevator closed behind us. I thought to take that as a sign to make a beeline for his apartment and tried to quicken my pace, assuming that he would follow suit, but instead his grip tightened again and I slammed to a halt. I started to turn my head to look up at him, but his hand snaked up from my should to my chin and turned my head violently in the other direction. "Don't even fucking look at me right now, mouse." He growled, squeezing my chin so hard that I was afraid it was going to break.

I felt tears start running down my cheeks as he let me go, giving me a little shove as he did so before grabbing my wrist again and yanking me forward down the hall. I ran behind him all the way to the end of the wall and stood with him in front of his apartment. He fished in his pocket and pulled out his keys, throwing them at me. 

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