Part 8: Meeting Up + Another Authors Note

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(This is going to be a shorter chapter than the last one)
Authors Note:
I am so glad for all of the support! Especially from the many people who have been reading all of them. I just wanna thank MiscellaneousMess  for making a request I did on her story, "Gabe Nath One Shots"  and for mentioning this story in it aswell! I will make sure to update quite more often, maybe on Fridays and Mondays (Australian Time) because I am very happy with how many people love it!
I know you all are enjoying the story, so thankyou all for the support and the kind comments on the chapters.
- Terminator

How could he have been so stupid?
She was around the same height as Nathalie, was a blue-nette and wore one of the designs he had designed years ago.
No wonder he thought it was love at first sight.
Maybe he could meet her, but she mustn't know that he was Gabriel, or that he was a fashion designer. But how would he communicate to her if he was blocked? Surely she would not realise it's him? 

Nathalie had checked her phone again, "Why would I have blocked him?" She said softly.
He might have just been a wrong number.
(Gabriel, Penny and her Parents was the only numbers she had saved in her messages, so the number that was blocked didn't have the contact numbers, because she knew by the conversation she had with the person. But Nathalie deleted his number, so so she would have forgot his number without actually looking at the previous conversation.)
She had noticed she got a message from Penny saying "If you need anything tonight, just call me. Pen xox"
She was drunk, but still could understand that her only friend was worried for her.
She knew she should get to bed, it had been a long night and Penny would know that she would already been asleep.

When Nathalie woke up, she had a massive head ache and was now on her bed in her black short sleeved pyjamas.
She groaned whilst putting her hand on her head to get up. She needed to have a drink of water or to have something small to eat.
"What happened last night? She had danced with a stran- no, it was a man called 'Adrien'" She corrected herself. " 'Adrien' kissed me, then we drank together, asking questions about ourselves."
She slowly grabbed her coffee mug and started to make some tea.
"Penny drove me home, then I-" She knew what happened next. She left her mug on her counter, whilst walking around her bedroom trying to find her phone.
A little blue themed purse lay on the ground, with her phone and a napkin with a few pen marks on the floor. She picked and up and took her phone and the napkin in her hands.
"That's odd," she thought. "It says I blocked his number? I might have accidentally done it last night." She quickly realised whilst going back to her tea which was quickly getting colder.
"Better unblock him, he might think I'm mad at him or something."
All she could think about was what happened last night.

Gabriel woke up quite late. He had slept in because of how late he went to bed. He kept thinking about Nathalie, her soft smile and her eyes gazing at his. She was so beautiful, so undeniably funny and was his Ex-Assistant. He was going to have to tell a ton of lies for this to work.
He made his way downstairs to greet Adrien which was downstairs eating his breakfast, whilst looking at the news for today.
"Don't be bemused it's just the news! It has been almost a week since Hawkmoth had last attacked, and Paris is now celebrating! Has Hawkmoth given up?"  Gabriel saw this news and smiled. He hadn't even thought about Akumatizing anyone this week. He had only been thinking about Nathalie, and only Nathalie.

Nathalie unblocked him, and texted
"Hey Adrien, do you want to meet up at 3:00 today at the Park? Nathalie."
And pressed send. She checked the clock, it read 11:59. She was still in her pajamas and having breakfast.
She should get ready if he would say yes.

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