Chapter 39 - "He's dying"

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A.N: I am extremely sorry about the long time between updates. I just got back from my holiday where I had little to no wifi and no time to write and I'm also experiencing severe writer's block atm which sucks. I have a system where I write a chapter and then release one of the older ones so I'm always ahead by a few but I wanted to publish something so I threw the system out for once. 

I'm waiting for some sort of inspiration to hit me but until then, enjoy this one :)
- while I'm here I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has read/voted/commented, this story hit 67K today and that's insane to me, I never thought it would get this much. It also hit no1 is avengers out of 58.1K stories which is so so cool. (I'm freaking out)


Seven pushed herself from the ground as the ringing continued, she could feel herself slowly losing consciousness but she refused to pass out.

She focused all of her energy on healing her pain until it was bearable and the ringing stopped. When she was confident that she was able to walk again she stumbled towards the red, crumpled heap that lay in the middle of the road and Seven realized what had happened. He had leapt in front of the van for her.

"No no no no no, Peter" She dropped to her knees next to the boy, dragging his head into her lap. 

Seven pulled the mask off of his face, checking it for any injuries. She honestly wasn't bothered by the possibility of anyone seeing them right now, she just wanted to know that he was okay. 

His eyes were shut and were unresponsive as she spoke to him and tapped his face. Seven held her breath as she leant down to his chest, she breathed out in relief when she heard him breathing faintly.

"Okay, stay with me Pete" She roughly shoved his mask back onto his face but hesitated when she remembered the van. She looked towards the direction it would have driven in and cursed when she could no longer see it.

Seven glanced between the direction the van had gone in and the direction she had come from, where the round man would still be lying on the pavement. She had no idea where the gun had ended up, but she considered that the least of her worries right now. 

Seven realised that if she left the van and the unconscious man, both would get away but she didn't care, she only cared about the boy in her lap.

Seven could heal any injuries, internal or external. Apparently, she could even revive the dead but as Peter wasn't majorly injured, just unconscious, she couldn't do anything, she would have to take him back to the tower. She was praying that Bruce had returned from talking to Helen Cho.

She glanced at the glowing tower, it wasn't too far, she could make it.

She hauled the boy into her arms until she was carrying him bridal style and mustered energy she didn't have into pushing herself off the ground and into the air. Seven could feel her arms slipping and her eyelids becoming heavy as she floated towards the tower and every so often she would fall for a second before catching herself again. 

She practically threw herself through the large front doors of the tower, collapsing onto the ground, her body thudding against the carpet and Peter's creating a heavy weight on top of her chest. 

Stark never slept, and by that logic, he had decided that his tower wouldn't either. A couple dozen employees turned at the loud thudding noise, it was unusual for anyone to come in this late. 

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