Chapter 6- the weirdos

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-Jaylen POV-

It's finally the weekend. I mean I hate school but it was the only chance I got to see the boy. I admit Its stupid that I'm even wasting my weekend on a boy I barley know.

I'm currently at the mall looking for a gift for the boy. Ofc Abby and Sonia tagged along which I found annoying. "what are you looking for jay? A gift? Or a man perhaps."

I look at Sonia glaring holes in the back side of her head. I groaned indicating to it drop the topic. We entered a store and clearly there wasn't anything in here that the boy would like so I just leaned on the displays. But then again I could always just give Parker the gift of not being a virgin anymore....

That's when I heard a familiar voice. "Bro this is sick I definitely would buy it if I had the money" I follow the voice and see a scrawny little kid.

I then recognized him as one of Parker's geek friends. "Yo kid" he turned around and looked at me with wide eyes. Shrinking under my stare. "Y-yes?"

I could tell both of Parker's friends didn't like me considering the other kid was just glaring at me. Wtf was his problem. " you're friends with Parker right?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He turned his eyes to the other kid and that's when he spoke "yes, why do you care?" This kid had some serious guts talking to me like that. I'll murder him later. Right now my only concern is getting this boy a gift. "You, what's your name"

I point to the kid who stuttered when I spoke to him. " uh my name is Alex" I look around to see my "friends" looking at clothes and other random stuff.

I turn back to Alex and grab his hand and pull him out of the store with his other friend hot on our trail.

I let his hand go as soon as I'm out of Sonia and Abby's sight. I didn't need them talking bad about Parker's friends. That might make him upset and he might not want to talk to me. If that happened ofc. "Hey you can't just be pulling people like that you-"

I cut him off before he could continue his sentence "shut up and listen, here's the deal Alex I really like your friend, not this one the other one" his face indicated he was confused.

He looked like he was in disbelief that I said out loud that I liked the boy. " you mean parker?" This idiot ofc it's him how many other friends does he have? Dumbass. "obviously"

I turned to see his other friend with a look of disapproval like I give two fucks what he thinks. " what do you want with Parker" the kid that has been staring at me for a while finally spoke. So he does speak, interesting.

Note the sarcasm. " I just said it and I'm not going to repeat it" I look back at Alex and said "you're going to tell me everything there is to know about him" Alex sighed "why don't you just ask him what you want to know?" He looked confused. I would too if a random person wanted to know about my best friends.

I hesitated on telling him why " I can't get to close to him without scaring him. So you're the next best thing now spill!" We walked to the food court as Alex told me all about the boy. From what I gathered he watches a lot of crime shows, hates caramel, is allergic to apples? and has a fascination with Japanese culture,obviously including swords and katanas.

I found all of this amusing the boy had similar taste as I did. I know know what I am going to give the boy as his gift. " thanks" I get up and pay for their food.

They looked at me weirdly like they were expecting me to just leave. Weirdos.


-Parker POV-

I breath in and then out. " ok let me get this straight jaylen asked you about me?" I stare at Alex. According to him and Zane ,jaylen pulled them out of a store in the mall to talk to them about me?

What was so interesting to her about me? "Dude she literally paid for our food just to listen to what I had to say about you" I was in disbelief she paid for their food?

The same girl who smacked a guy with a ruler who was looking at her? The same person who was friends with the worst people ever.

Geez does she really like me? Marinating remember. Right. Zane asked " what's up with her and you" I didn't want to bother them about my situation at home. Much less tell them that jaylen helped me out by letting me sleep in her house.

On her bed. "I uh-" Zane looked behind me and said " speaking of the devil." I turned to where he was staring I see jaylen and her friends. I can't Deny she is attractive.

She's just sitting on her motorcycle staring at her phone, her eyebrows pushed together as if she didn't like what was on her phone. I'm guessing she saw us staring at her because next thing I know she looked up completely ignoring her friends and smiled at me.

Maintain eye contact she walked towards us. "Run run" I told them to run I didn't want to talk to her. We started turning our backs to walk away when I heard her voice say " if y'all are going to stare at least don't run when I walk up to you"

I turn to her and look at the ground. "H-hi" she looked content that I at least told her hi. She looked back at my friends glaring at Zane. I wonder why. " you"

she pointed at Alex and he visibly shook under her stares. " yes?" Alex looked confused as to why she was talking to him. "Here, take it as a thank you"

She handed Alex a box in a bag. What was it? Why was she giving him this. Why did I feel angry that she gifted something to Alex and not me. When she handed him the package she turned back to me and smiled " I'll give you YOUR gift later" She winks at me while she says it.

        Smiling as if she already knows. She has something evil brewing and I don't like it. Before Jaylen walked into the school she turned back like she was going to say something but she walked away instead. Glaring at Zane the whole interaction.


A/N: don't forget to vote and comment!! Have a great day guys

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