Chapter 19- lie

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-Parker's POV-

I sit on the hospital bed as I watch jaylen sleep. It's been weeks since our last conversation and she looks the same way she did then. Like death and disparity.

Thomas had called and told me what happened at the bar downtown. I had seen it on the news but I wasn't aware jaylen was there that day.

I watch as jaylens chest rises up and down slowly. I listen to her breaths and look at her features for as long as I can.

Fearing she's going to push me way like she did before. I want to remember the times we were together that month. It was a short time to fall in love with someone. I know I shouldn't have fallen so fast but I did.

I never told jaylen my true feelings. So now I tell them to you. I was skeptical of her at first. I thought maybe she was actually marinating me and using me in her own way. But as the days past I noticed small things she would do for me.

     Like remaining me not to forget my tie my shoes, waiting for me after school. And may other things. She helped me face my most deepest fears. One of them being falling for someone and them letting go just like everyone has.

     I moved closer to jaylen and hold her hand as I sit near the bed. I look her over once more. And I notice a at fall risk bracelet on her hand. Fall risk for what?

I look at her face again taking in her pale lips, shallow eyes and the smell of cherry's and ashes hits my nose almost instantly. As the memories of her kissing me and being able to taste the smoke on my tongue invades my thoughts.

      I could already feel her hands softly guiding my own wherever she wants them to be. I could hear her voice as she tells me to kneel and get on my knees for her. I could see her grey eyes looking at me with such love and lust. All my five senses being invaded only by her. Only ever her.

I hear her door open and it's a nurse I smile at the nurse as she begins taking Jaylens vitals. The nurse speaks " you look at her with so much love, that id assume that you are the father of her child" I snap my eyes back at the nurse.

        Taken aback by my surprise her eyes widen in shock "oh my goddess im sorry I didn't know-" as she was about to finish her sentence the door opens again as I keep my eyes trained on the nurse. I start to hyperventilate. I hitched my breath I could feel my chest getting tighter. She's pregnant. Omg she's pregnant.

        My thoughts being to become incoherent even to myself. I let got of jaylens hand and I back up i look at the door and there stands Thomas and jaylens dad. "Is it true" I demand. Neither of them answer I'm becoming more agitated as the silence consumes us.

        I raise my voice a little more. "Is she actually pregnant" again neither of them answer me. " IS SHE PREGNANT AND DONT FUCKING LIE TO ME" they look at me like they didn't expect that as my reaction. Thomas was the first to speak "calm down we're in a hospital for god sakes you're going to wake her up"

      I look back at jaylen and start to pace back and forth. God she is pregnant and it's mine. I'm not ready for a baby. I don't want a baby. I can't. I don't want to end up like my own parents.

      I slide down a wall putting my knees to my chest and my hands on my neck. Tears being to form in my eyes as reality begins to set in. She pregnant. She's carrying my baby and I didn't know it. She didn't tell me and probably wasn't going to.

     Was she ever going to tell me about the baby. I began to sob as I think about my own failure of parents. I feel a hand on my shoulder. As is he would read my thoughts Thomas speaks up and says " listen man she was going to tell you when the time was right."

       He says this with so much confidence like he knows. I pick my head up from in between my knees " what was she doing in that bar" I ask him looking him into his grey eyes. Thomas hesitates as he speaks " just to talk " I see as he looks away from me " About what"

       he doesn't look away from where he is staring at. "Work." I hear the venom leaking from my voice as I ask "you're lying" My own mind corrupted as I see Thomas gulp. He doesn't answer and he doesn't need to because I know he is lying.

I gather my things and I look back at jaylen. She'll tell me when she's ready and I'm sure she isn't right now. I walk closer to her and plant a soft kiss on her forehead as she speaks. I brush her hair away from her face and I tell her knowing she couldn't hear me "I'll be here when you need me to be"

       I take off the silver necklace she had given me all those weeks ago and I put it on her. I could feel the stares of Thomas and father as I slip on the necklace that was once hers back to where it belongs. I walk out of the room without a second glance and walk back to my car.

I sit there for a second to gather my thoughts. I breath in and out trying to control my breathing but I can't. I feel like I'm going to burst. Tears began to for form again as I slam my head on the stearing wheel over and over again.

     I never got the chance to tell jaylen that I love her but I will when she wants to see me and finally tells me that she's pregnant. With that in mind I drive back home to a angry set of parents who would like to know where I went.

I try pushing past Gabriel but he doesn't get out of my way. "Where have you been boy I hope you weren't with that argent bitch" I've had enough of this shit. No one and I mean no one talks about jaylen like that.

        Anger and frustration building up in my veins as I slam him onto the wall and lean in close so only he would hear me " talk about her like that again and I'll shove a knife so far down your throat you'll feel it for weeks" I drop him down on the floor as I see his reaction.

       It was that if surprise, shock, and fear. Yea you better fear me. I walk slowly to my room and lock the door behind me. I rush to my night stand and pull out a pill bottle. I look at it questioning if I want to take it or not.

      I haven't had a break down for years but now it seems like that situation has triggered many emotions for me and wanting to murder someone is one of those things. What would jaylen think if she knew what I had done. Would she stop liking me if she knew the monster my parents have created?

     Deep down I know jaylen would accept it but would others? I mean jaylen is a trained member of the viles organization. It's kinda implied that jay has hurt people and I accept her for that but would she accept me if she knew what I had done? I hope she would because I know what she has done....


A/N: omg what did Parker do that was so bad??!! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think he did. Or what you would like it to be


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