Chapter 10-Rejection

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A/N: surprise surprise part of this chapter will be written in Thomas's POV. Don't forget to vote and comment!! -XxX

-Thomas POV-

It's been days since we've heard about jaylen. When my father and I came to her house she was gone and that was three days ago. Abby and Sonia thought she's just having those days where she leaves without telling anyone.

But this time it was different Luke had told her she was a disappointment, he called her stupid. Jaylen was a strong person overall but hearing that must have broke her.

Not surprised tho her family was as shitty as mine. The door knocking broke me out of my trance. No one bothered to open the door so I did. When I open the door I see this kid.

I stare down at him waiting for him to speak "uh is jaylen home?" Who was this kid and why was he looking for her. Was this dude her ex? If he is I'll ripe his throat out with my bare hands. "No, who are you"

he seems to get nervous and uncomfortable under my gaze "p-Parker" ahh jaylens lover boy got it. I just nod and tell him to come in before introducing myself as jaylens best friend Ofc I gave him my name. He seemed to hesitate.

      As we are walking to the living room I seem to understand why jaylen likes this kid. I motion him to sit. Everyone else is in the kitchen and I want to talk to this kid about Jay.

Yea yea the talk if you will. " why are you looking for jay" he shifted uncomfortably by my question "I-I'm just worried about her, she hasn't texted me back" I nod and asked " when was the last time you talked to her"

he was about to give me an answer when my father walked in "what are you doing here boy" Parker gulped hearing the sound of my fathers deep voice. "The kids looking for jaylen" my father looked visibly confused.

He then proceeded to tell me what happened with The Everett family and Jaylen "I mean no disrespect but uh that's not what happened at all" I turn my head to Parker this kid is looking for a death wish no one and I mean no one speaks over my father " then tell me what exactly happened boy"

once again as fate seems to have it the boy was about to speak again when we heard the front door slam shut and walked in the girl of the hour herself.

     You guessed it jaylen finally came home after days of not being here. She looked around the room,her eyes eventually landed on Parker and my father.

Jaylen walked slowly glancing at Parker and telling my father the last thing I thought she'd say "Get out" my father and her have a staring contest.

This time it was jaylen that looked away asking the boy if he was ok. "Jaylen, where have you been we were worried sick about you" I know where this is going " oh spare me the talk Luke after all I belong on the streets remember?"

I sighed knowing this was my cue to intervene or it would end up messy "Enough, both of you, Parker can you take jaylen up to her room so she can calm down please" Parker nodded and grabbed jaylens hand taking her up to her room.

     I know damn well if Parker wasn't the one that grabbed her hand and took her upstairs she'd lose her shit and that's the last thing we need.

I look at my father shaking my head in disappointment "I think it's better if you leave" he visibly flinched as if I had just torn a bandage off of him. "Son I can-"

I shake my head once more " no, you need to go I don't need you calling me a trash kid either" it hit me hard when jaylen told me what Luke told her.

It hurt knowing Luke didn't let her explain and shifted the blame on her not believing her word over Gabriel's. If I was in her position I know for a fact he would have said the same things.

I walked up to jaylens room knocking before I enter. And the sight I saw was jaylen laying in Parker's lap sleeping peacefully for the first time in who knows how long.

I smile and nodded at the boy in the room indicating we would talk later. It gave me comfort knowing jaylen was putting her trust in someone for the first time since I met her all those many years ago.

Jaylen wasn't the type to let people in do to her fear of being let down and letting other people down. I could now sleep at night knowing she had someone to rely on even if that someone was a nerdy little boy. Secretly I can give that boy my blessing to date the one of the few people I consider family.


-Parker's POV-

After Thomas told me to take jaylen up to her room. I noticed jaylen seemed distracted and it made me sad that I couldn't comfort her. "Jaylen are you ok?" She stepped towards me making me a little nervous.

She brushed my hair out of my face. The same way she did before. She nodded not saying a word giving me a mhm somewhere in between. " I'm sorry for leaving you baby."

Was she really worried about me at a time like this? I could feel myself blushing a bit making jaylen smirk a little. She leaned in kissing me gentle.

This time I didn't hesitate to kiss her. She Grabs my hand and leads me to the bed. But this time she doesn't straddle me, she doesn't pull off my shirt. All she does is lay on my lap closing her eyes right after. I'm guessing she hasn't had much sleep considering the eye bags she has.

What were we? I don't want to make it awkward by asking her. What if she doesn't have an answer for me. Thinking about this made my head hurt. Thinking about the kiss made my head hurt too.

Why. Why was she always the one to pull me in for a kiss. Why am I so scared of making a move before she does. This just goes to show I'm afraid that she'll change her mind and she won't like me anymore. Rejection.

That's what I fear. I'm afraid of falling and not having some to pick me back up.

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