Chapter 4

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My family seems to be in a state of shock right now. Jamie wasn't even playing with his presents anymore; Sophie, on the other hand, wasn't paying much attention to begin with. Waiting for their reaction was getting me nervous.

Instead of busting out with arguments though, they all suddenly busted out laughing.

"That's pretty funny. For a second there, I thought you were being serious." My dad wiped away the tears in the corner of his eyes. "Seriously, tell us where you're going."

"I am being serious. I'll be attending law school in Moscow."


Truth be told, the whole 'Moscow' thing wasn't really my idea. It was North's. He mentioned that being in the USA wouldn't be safe for my family...I truthfully don't see why saying I'd be in another country would make a difference but I wasn't going to argue with him.

You don't argue with Santa Claus, it'll put you on the 'naughty list'. Which Jack apparently holds the record for.

"Don't sound so shocked."

"Don't sound so...Do you even hear what you're saying?! You do know that Moscow is in Russia. Russia is on the other side of the world." My mother looked like she was either about to have a heart attack or her brain was about to explode. That vein on the side of her head is throbbing a little more than usual. I think I might have pissed her off a little.

"And your point is?" Now it looks like everybody's eyes are getting ready to burst out of their sockets, even Jamie's. "Hear me out before you all decide to freak out even more. I'll be attending one of the top law schools in Russia and..."

"You're not ready to be on your own like that." Seriously, couldn't they let me finish? I knew this was going to happen. Quite frankly, that last statement just pissed me off.

"I've been on my own for a little over a year now. In case you're forgotten, I don't live here anymore. You need to have a little more trust and faith in me. Besides, no matter what you say, I'll be going. So you better come to accept this fast. Now excuse me, I have to go pack. I'm leaving tomorrow."

Packing had proven to be much more of a hassle then I thought. I had about 5 sets of luggage in front of me. 3 of them were clothes for each realm I would be staying in. The other two were my 'women' necessities. I have no idea for how long I'll be gone for. Or if I'll be able to go shopping when needed.

Apparently, Sandy doesn't really have realm, since he's always on the move. I guess if he gets tired, he just crashes with whoever he is closest to. Jack lives with North. Makes sense since both of them are mainly winter people.

"You packed way too much." Jack was sitting cross-legged on my bed. He was my 'bodyguard' for now.

"Ok, if it's too much, how about giving me a clue as to what I'll need?"

"Nah, don't want to."

"Then why'd you make that comment earlier?"

"To see how you react." I face palmed my face in frustration. "There! That's the reaction. Man, it's gonna be fun having somebody to hang with up at North's place."

"The elves are up there too, aren't they? You don't hang with them?" He held a hang to his mouth, trying to keep in a laugh.

"They're funny'll find out when you get there what it's like. Get some sleep for now. See ya in the morning." He flew off my bed and proceeded to my window to let himself out. "By the way Genie..." He pulled something out from behind his back...It was one of my bras. "A C-cup. You've grown in the right places."

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