Chapter 7

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I'm not really liking that tone that Jack is using. It almost sounds like a husband scolding his wife for cheating on him or something. Except of two things: first, Jack is not my husband. And Second, I did nothing wrong. So strike that last statement, I don't like that tone at all.

"What? I was falling asleep." There really is no reason for me to explain myself. So why am I doing it? "He offered his shoulder, and I knocked out. Seriously, feel his fur, it's so soft. Emphasis on the soft."

"Well, I do try to take care of my fur..." Jack glared at him to stop. "I'll be quiet."

"No, don't be quiet bunny. Tell us what you do to take care of your fur. I'm interested."

"Stop trying to change the subject. You still need to answer my question." Ok, I've had it. Exploding now.

"Stop stalking me!" Only a few days here and I've had it. Jack and Bunny looked a bit surprised by my outburst, I'm glad it got Jack to shut up. "I get you're worried and all that but keeping an eye on me 24/7 isn't helping." We stood in silence for a bit, I guess they were letting everything soak in. "Besides, The place where Pitch finds me is somewhere you could never go." I whispered that last part.

"What...?" They both said in unison.

"Nothing, I need to be alone for a bit to cool off." I turned my back of them. I could feel Jack's aura sadden a bit. Great, Now I feel bad for yelling at him. "Jack, please don't follow me." Before either of them could say a word, I already took off in some random direction.

I didn't care where I was going or if I'd get lost, I just really needed to be away from Jack at the moment, even longer than a moment maybe. I'm so lost inside my own mind that I lost track of how many doors I had passed. I would have kept going further if it wasn't for a hum that caught my attention.

Now normally I'm not really nosy, but lately....Hm, do I really want to know who is humming and where it's coming from. They do say that curiosity killed the cat. But I'm not a cat so it shouldn't kill me.

Immediately, I turned around and followed the humming until I came to an open door. Slowly, I got closer and stuck my head in slightly; the humming was coming from North who was hard at work at a small desk.

"Well, you're a busy bee, aren't you?" I said out loud. He turned his chair in my direction, a big smile plastered on his face.

"GENIE!" I have yet to get tired of that smile. It brings me a sense of peace. "Come in, come in." He placed his feather easel back into the small pot of ink. "How did you find me here?"

"Where exactly is here?" I stepped into the room and was met by one of the most beautiful sights in my life, books. All the walls in the room were nothing but bookshelves with no empty spaces.

"My personal library. Beautiful, isn't it?"

"You bet! My God, this is my dream room."

"Well, Knowledge is great. The more you know, the more you can see into the wonders of the world. Plus, it great pastime when tired from toy making."

"So if this is your personal library, is it ok for me to be in here?"

"Of course, you are my friend." He patted my back a bit more gently than before. "But why are you all the way on the other side of building from workshop?"

"Really? I walked that far? I guess you can walk pretty fast when you're angry."

"Let me guess...Jack again."

"He's super clingy. It was kind of cute at first but now it's just plain annoying...and I'm super exhausted."North knows my situation so he must have some kind of advice to give me. Except there are no words coming from his mouth. .

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