8. The hangover

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The obnoxious, bright light of day streamed in through the window. Sorah clenched her eyes shut, the movement causing her head to throb, for her brain to bounce around in her skull.

With the glass of water on her night stand too far away, she tried her best to swallow, though her tongue was dry and stuck to the roof of her mouth.

She stretched her muscles, restricted by the body wrapped around her. A short huff of laughter shook Kensie's chest as Sorah peered up at her. "Good morning," Kensie said, that ridiculously cocky grin in place. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh god." Sorah hid her face beneath the sheet. "How much did I drink?"

"A lot." Kensie's smile softened. "How much do you remember?"

"All of it, I think... I remember—" She paled. "I asked you to bite me, didn't I? I asked you to..." She groaned. "I'm so sorry."

"No need." Kensie rubbed soothing circles on Sorah's back. "Do you want to get up or would you rather stay in bed a little longer?"

"Little longer, if that's okay. Like, maybe a week or two."

Kensie laughed, reaching for the glass of water by the bed, giving the order for at least half of it to be finished before she'd agree to put it back. Sorah made only the most basic of movements to get the job done before settling back under the covers, pulling the sheet up over her face.

Whether it was the daylight or the embarrassment that made her want to hide the most, Sorah wasn't sure. Probably the embarrassment. She was mortified, yet Kensie hadn't passed judgement or run. She'd held her through the night and was now more caring than ever.

The morning coasted by in silence, Sorah drifting in and out of sleep as Kensie continued to run her hand over her back, her arms, and through her hair. Things had changed between them; they were more comfortable with each other, more intimate.

"Kensie?" Sorah asked, placing her hand on Kensie's abdomen.


"That stuff Alyssa said about you... about you, well, you know." She absent-mindedly traced shapes into the fabric of Kensie's shirt.

"About me sleeping with every pretty girl I meet?"

"Yeah... is it true?"

"It was an exaggeration, but yes, I've had many lovers."

Jealousy flared within Sorah. "Because it feels good?"

"Yes and no. I've always found it thrilling to pursue someone in that way, but I never truly found the pleasure I was seeking in the end."

"So why'd you do it?"

"I've never been good at connecting with people. Other than my family and Isha... there hasn't really been anyone else. I always felt like there was something missing, and I thought I'd find it in someone else. But every time it just left me feeling empty. The feeling I seemed to give to other people isn't something I've experienced, so I guess I kept searching."

"Because you're my... my—"

"Your Ahein Rah? Yes."

Sorah wasn't as shocked as she should have been. She didn't know what it meant to be the Companion Queen, and perhaps it helped not to. "So... a queen or an Ahein Rah can't be attracted to anyone else?"

"Oh they definitely can. I'm sure in my case it was made worse by the fact that I find it difficult to open up to most people. Many Ahein Rah are born before their queen. They live a long time unaware of who they are, so yes, they do have relationships, just like any regular person but..." Kensie paused, her brow pulling low in thought. "The connection between a queen and her Ahein Rah is something else entirely. I don't think it's comparable to a regular relationship. And it's common for an Ahein Rah or queen to feel as though there is a part of them missing until they meet."

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