36. Dream or reality

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TW - Please refer to the trigger warnings on the main page of this story. If you're concerned about a possible trigger but would like to know what happens in this chapter, please DM me and I will give you a rundown of the chapter. 

Sorah felt her sanity slipping away. The connection she shared with her wife had been torn from her, leaving a void in her mind where Kensie's thoughts usually resided. She spent her days staring at the wall, replaying her memories over and over. At times, the daydreams faded and her ruminations took over. She blamed herself for allowing Kensie to go on the mission that led her to her death. She blamed herself for being stupid enough to allow the despicable traitor to put that bangle on her wrist.

Her mind wrestled with her guilt.

Then there were the times where she could swear Kensie was with her. She would talk to her in her mind, only somewhat aware that she was not actually there. She felt her sanity slipping as she allowed herself to immerse in her dream world, knowing somewhere in her mind that she needed to stop indulging in the illusions.

She needed to return home.

Four weeks into her captivity, Sorah's dreams began to plague her. She was unsure whether the pregnancy was affecting her, or whether the time spent without Kensie had interfered. They were bittersweet. She enjoyed the escape of slumber, for it brought her closer to Kensie. Yet the nature of the dreams left her with a wanting she knew could never be quenched. After spending the previous four nights swept up in painfully vivid dreams, Sorah lay awake in the darkened room, trying to fight off sleep. As her eyelids grew heavy and her mind began to slip into the familiar haze, she accepted her failure.

She was home. Not in her castle, but in the Ducall residence. As she searched the building, she found room after room to be empty. Her mind jumped as she arrived at the top of the stairs. She walked to the end of the hall and peered through the door to her left. Kensie came into view as she stood with her back turned facing the mirror, fastening her long, straight hair into an elegant high pony tail.

Sorah rushed to embrace her and was soon cocooned in her embrace as Kensie brought their lips together and led them toward the bed.

"Are you really here?"

"I'm wherever you are." Kensie offered the cryptic reply before pressing their lips together again. They shed each other's clothing in perfect synchronisation, knowing the other's body like it was their own. 

"I love you, Sorah," whispered the voice in her ear.

At once, Sorah's eyes snapped open and she scanned the room. The voice was too high in pitch, too raspy. It lacked the smooth, velvety-rich tone that made her shiver. In the stark reality of consciousness, the body above hers felt heavy, awkward, and not at all comforting. Sorah panicked as she slapped and pushed at the body above her.

"Get off me, now!" she ordered. "You said you wouldn't... you promised me," she cried as she pushed hard against her captor. Sorah used all of her strength, yet it was as though she was pushing against the ground. Alyssa would not budge. She felt helpless, as though she were even weaker than before she had been awoken. She wished for her strength. For her ability to send the girl above her flying with only a slight push.

"Let me help you, Sorah. You've been crying out in your sleep every night for the past week," Alyssa whispered.

"Stop," Sorah pleaded through her tears as she repeated the words over and over in panic. 

She felt sick. She was acutely aware of every part of her body that Alyssa had touched. Her skin itched and burned as though acid had been poured on her. She wanted to remove every part of herself that her captor had claimed, afraid that it would spread, eclipsing the parts of her body that still belonged to Kensie. When the blonde above her finally removed her weight, Sorah left the bed and without looking back, silently retreated to the ensuite where her tears left her body in violent sobs. 

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