25. We take care of each other

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The castle had transformed from its dormant state into a hive of activity since the arrival of the new queen. In the week leading up to her official coronation, Sorah found herself being busied from one meeting to the next, or holed up in her office signing off on orders or approvals. Many of such meetings, held with her newly appointed council, revolved around her great-aunt.

"Are we any closer to finding her?" Sorah paced the small patch of carpet before the boardroom table.

"The Stealth Legion is currently looking into a lead, they should be back in a few days," said Briggs. Sorah nodded but remained deep in thought.

Anna looked around the table and when she received no indication that anyone wished to speak, she looked to Sorah. "Your Majesty, we have had reports that some of those in our community... those who have not lived under the reign of a queen, are questioning whether your role is necessary. They seem to be a small group, young and stupid by the sound of it, but we've decided to increase security for your coronation tomorrow."

A deep, almost inaudible growl emanated from Kensie where she sat. Sorah closed the distance and placed both hands on Kensie's shoulders, massaging the tension away as she sent thoughts of calm through their connection. "That sounds like a logical precaution, but I have some ideas on how to deal with them if they get out of hand."

Even after they had left, Sorah could feel the tension radiating from Kensie in waves as they walked through the castle. The serious, cold stare reminded her of the Queen's Assassin of her memories, rather than the woman who shared her bed and her heart. "You don't need to worry so much."

Kensie clenched her jaw, continuing on in silence, as she ignored Sorah's advice, but in the privacy of their quarters, she snapped. "Isha was killed in this castle, surrounded by those who had sworn to protect her," she growled, more distressed than Sorah had ever seen her. "She died. Right here, while I was in this castle and I couldn't do a thing to stop it." Kensie lifted her hand and rubbed at her brow. "So what makes me think that added security, or having me by your side is going to be enough to keep you safe? How am I supposed to keep you safe, Sorah, when there are so many people out there who want you dead?" Tears sprung to her eyes as she spoke.

Sorah opened her mouth to reassure her, but was interrupted before she could begin.

"Don't you dare tell me that you're strong enough to protect yourself. Isha was strong, perhaps not as strong as you, but she was so much stronger than any of her enemies, and they still found a way. They still found a way to get to her."

Sorah scowled, the memory of Isha's death clear in her mind. "Yes," she whispered. "They did find a way to get to her and I know exactly how it felt for her to lose Daroah. I've felt what it would be like if I were to lose you." She closed the gap in a few strides and stood before Kensie. "You told me on the plane that I need to stop worrying about what I can't control. Well so do you. I'm going to have many enemies. We both are. We can't let news of every new one paralyse us with fear. I don't ever want to lose you, but more than that, I want to make sure that the time we spend together is spent living, not fearing that potential loss."

Sorah felt the moment Kensie relented as her anguished expression faded into one of sorrow. "I'm sorry," Kensie said with barely a whisper. "I just always prided myself on being the one who could protect them. And then when they really needed me to, I couldn't."

Sorah shook her head in slow, sombre movements. "You're discounting all of the other times you did protect them. Maybe if you weren't there they would have died sooner. Maybe they would have died before Orla was born, even. You protected them from so much. You can't allow all of that to be erased by the one event where you couldn't."

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