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Sorah rushed through the halls of the castle, her meeting with companion members of federal government running well behind schedule.

"How late am I?" She reached out with her mind to project her thoughts to Kensie on the other side of the castle and felt the niggle in her mind at the incoming response.

"No hurry, they're happily playing. I'm not sure they've noticed," Kensie sent, cringing as she realised the meaning in her words.

"Well that's good to know," Sorah snapped. She knew their children were used to her absence, just as any child of the queen had been before them. While it pained her, she also understood that their world would fall into chaos should she abandon her duties. She remained ever thankful for the family that surrounded them, filling in the gaps where she and Kensie could not fulfil their parental duties.

"I'm so sorry, they wouldn't stop talking," Sorah offered with a wry smile as she entered their private dining room. Beth and Maggie smiled in understanding as two small forces crashed into her legs. Both women chuckled at the sight of the queen being wrestled by a pair of four-year-olds. Sorah looked down in surprise at the twins. "Happy birthday! I've missed you two," she said as she bent down and lifted them both in her arms, attacking their faces with kisses as she did. "Nine hours is far too long." She punctuated each word with a kiss. The pair giggled and wriggled about in her arms. "Where's your mama?" she asked, though her mind could easily locate Kensie.

"There!" one said, pointing at the woman in question as she entered the room from the courtyard. Sorah's eyes burned into Kensie with a hungry expression, her body and soul desperate to re-join her after an entire day of work. On any usual day, the pair made time to see each other between their obligations, however the shifting and clashing of schedules had the queen holed up in her office the entire day.

Finally by Kensie's side, Sorah let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding. "Hi." She greeted with an intense gaze.

Kensie grinned. "Hi, yourself," she said with a wink.

"Is it too early to leave?"

Kensie laughed and shook her head. "If only. I'm more exhausted as a parent than I ever was as Queen's Assassin. But we are needed here."

Sorah sighed in defeat. "Okay. One to go. Where is she?" she asked, searching the room.

"Outside with Anna. She won't stop crying, I think she's teething." Kensie sighed, the mental exhaustion of an entire day spent dealing with a crying six month old wearing on her.

"You know there are plenty of people who can help us, right?" Sorah asked.

Kensie smiled and nodded. "I know, but I'd like to spend as much time with them as I can. If I have a day off I'd rather be with them, especially if I can't be with you. Both of our schedules are hectic as it is." She sighed. "I'll be alright, it's just so draining when she's upset."

Sorah pulled her close and pressed their lips together in an attempt to comfort her, though within a few short moments their kiss increased in intensity. They were interrupted by the small weight that crashed into them.

Sorah looked down to find their daughter at her feet. "Orla, sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked, looking down at the girl whose appearance almost mirrored her own.

The child scowled. "Kaisha keeps taking my toys and he's so fast, I can't catch him," she whined. Sorah groaned and looked to Kensie, with an apologetic smile. She heard Beth chuckle from where she stood beside them.

"Orla sweetheart, why don't you come with me and we can sort out this toy situation with your bother, at least let your mama's say hello," came Beth's mothering tone.

Sorah smiled and mouthed the words, "thank you," receiving a smile in response. She watched in awe as her aunt worked her magic on the prince and princess, having them behaving beautifully within seconds.

Her expression changed the instant she turned her attention back to Kensie, her predatory stare enough to cause a shiver down her wife's spine. Kensie's eyes darkened as her exhausted mind re-ignited.

"I missed you." Sorah sent a barrage of images through their connection. Promises of ways that she would take care of Kensie when they were finally alone, of actions that would distract her mind and invigorate her body.

Kensie sighed, knowing it would be hours before they could be alone together. "You, my queen, are evil."

Sorah smirked. "Only a little."

Kensie drew a deep breath before responding. "Yes, only a little." 


We've now reached the end! Thank you all reading and interacting with One Heart and for following me. 

If you haven't already, please follow me here and at https://www.instagram.com/jessicalarouxwrites/ for relevant updates. 

I'll be preparing One Heart for sale on Amazon and it would be great if you'd support me by buying a copy. Discount codes will be shared on my instagram for Wattpad readers. 

And if you haven't seen it yet, The First Companion is a prequel to One Heart and is now available on Wattpad. It's a romance that tells the story of how the very first companion was created. 

And if you haven't read my other novels, please head to my profile and take a look. 

Thank you again for reading. I appreciate you all :) 

Sorah and Kensie will return in a One Heart sequel...

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