31. By the sword

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"I can't do this."

"Yes, you can." Kensie held Sorah by the shoulders and looked straight into her eyes. "You have the memories of every queen who has come before you. You know what to do. Be strong. Be confident and calm for Hannah so that she will be too." Her hands shifted from Sorah's shoulders so that they rested on either side of her face.

With not long left before the scheduled execution, Sorah tried her hardest to prepare herself for the task. "I don't want to kill her."

"I know, and I wish you didn't have to. I wish I could take this burden for you," Kensie said. "But if you don't kill her, Kahahn will and he won't bat an eyelid as he does."

It was true. Sorah's memories showed her just how vile Ehrik Kahahn was. He wouldn't just kill Hannah, he would torture her—physically and emotionally—and would allow her soldiers to do with her as they pleased.

Sorah swallowed hard, her resolve strengthening as she wiped away her tears and nodded, aware that she could not change Hannah's fate. The only thing she could do for Hannah was ensure she was executed with dignity.

They walked in silence through the tunnels that lead to the courtyard by the barracks. Nearing the end, Kensie stopped Sorah and turned to face her. "Is there anything you need from me?"

Sorah considered the question. "Not now, but after... I'll need you after," she said. As Kensie moved toward her, she stepped back. "I can't... It's taking a lot for me not to feel right now and if you touch me I'll probably fall apart."

Kensie understood. At sixteen the Queen's Assassin faced her first kill, and though she would never have admitted it, the experience burned deep into her soul. For her it got easier, she compartmentalised and buried the emotions beneath the surface. But Sorah was different, she took responsibility for every single person around her. Their pain was her pain. The weight of her decisions, her actions, followed her like a heavy cloud within her mind.

Kensie couldn't stop the pain from reaching Sorah. All she could do was hold her through the fallout.

As they emerged out of the tunnel and into the courtyard, Sorah tried to tune out the voices of those who had come to witness the execution. She avoided eye contact as she climbed the steps of the platform and took her place. Her heart pounded in her ears as she stood in position, waiting for the prisoner to be brought forward. She heard the commotion the moment Hannah came into view. Onlookers yelled threats and insults, venting their frustration and anger. As her rage boiled to the surface, she stepped to the front of the stage and looked out.

"Silence." Her voice, barely a whisper, was heard by all as they followed her order. "This woman faces us today to pay the price for her crime. She has atoned for all that she has done and she accepts her punishment with honour. We will not disgrace that. I have sentenced her to death by my own hand and that will be the only punishment she will receive."

Sorah turned and walked to where the prisoner stood, restrained by two soldiers. Hannah seemed calm, her resolve flawless. "Are you ready?" Sorah watched the slight changes in Hannah's expression as she struggled to rein in her emotions. She looked up at her queen and gave a short nod. "Is there anything you wish to say?"

Hannah's brow lowered, then after a moment of thought she looked into Sorah's eyes. "Thank you."

When she appeared to have no more to say, Sorah spoke. "As promised, you have my forgiveness. You will die with honour, having served your queen in your final days." She clenched her jaw as she turned to her soldiers and nodded. It took everything within her to calm her heartbeat and the rise and fall of her chest, and she wished for the simple privacy of not having her every reaction on display.

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