authors note

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hi guys!

i hope you all are enjoying the reunion, i wanted ask a few questions to know your opinion.

first of all, how are you liking the reunion so far? i wanted to know if you guys think if it's going too fast. as of now, I update twice a day, and it's no problem for me because this book is easy for me to write and it comes to me naturally, but as readers i wanted to know your opinion.

second question was, do you feel uncomfortable with the way ashaangi is potrayed? i know ever since the story, we've been very carefully. and i write very carefully as well. but for me this is a fictional story and I'm using their names and real setting, but I wanted to make sure if I'm going overboard at times. that being said, I do need to write what is necessary for the plot the advance. so i just wanted to know your thoughts on my writing of ashaangi. this is also a romantic thriller book, and I wanted to know if the romance or thrill is less at any time?

third question, since I've been writing this so fastly, this book would end sooner than expected. maybe in a few weeks it would be over. after that, I might take a small break before coming back. so would that be okay? or do you want me to slow down the progress of the book?

fourth question, since I've already plotted out this book entirely, ive been thinking about other plots. i had an idea to make an ashaangi ff in a royal setting. like jodha akbar style. let me know if you like this and if this would suit them. and drop any suggestions for books you have!

finally, thank you so much for all the love and support. your messages really make my day, and I feel like we're actual friends now! you guys have revived my interest in writing and I'm ever so grateful for that. thank you so much, I love you guys 💜💜.


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