Remember the Party

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Heading down stairs, still in my PJ’s, I heard my dad yell my name. “BECKA”! I ran to the living room to find my dad standing in what I assume to be dog pee. “dad”. I say “I’m sorry. I'll clean it up right away”. Looking pleased, after washing his feet off, he walks away to the kitchen to start breakfast. My mom had put atlas outside. Scrubbing the carpet really hard trying to get the smell out, I say “he’s just a puppy”. Mom gives me a look that looks like she’s mad and she’s trying not to laugh. While cleaning up, I happened to glance at the clock. 7:30. Time to get ready for school. Running upstairs, I put on a long sleeve shirt and some ripped jeans. After throwing on my sneakers, I grabbed my stuff, got my car keys, and my sister and left. I dropped Hailey off at school on my way.
          I was just down the block from the school when I got a text from my best friend, Ethan. “don’t forget about my party next Friday.” It said. Like I could forget that party.  Whenever Ethan throws a really big party, it means that school is over that next week. “and will you go out with me?” Ethan had started to get a crush on me when I moved here from Salt Lake City, Utah. I texted him back and said “you know I’m with Jay”. No matter how much he’s asked me, I never say yes. Though I do like him, just not like that.
          I pull into the school parking lot, find my spot, and park. I look up to see Jay, Chloe, and Ethan all standing there waiting for me. I get out of my car and gather my stuff. Jay comes up to me, Chloe and Ethan following behind him, and kisses me as soon as I look up at him. He pulls away, leaving me surprised. “I’m sorry about last night”. He said, while I was thinking, um yeah thanks for the apology. “I was overreacting”. Just then he turns and takes something for Chloe. “Happy two-year anniversary”! he says when he turns back to me with a rose in his hand. My favorite flower. My eyes wide from his words, I watch as Ethan runs off, with Chloe following him. Jay sighs and goes to find him.
 I follow slowly, deep in thought. OMG! I forgot. I’m so dumb. I can’t believe it’s been two years already. He was the star football quarterback and I was the shy nerd. We got partnered for a project in biology. He invited me to his house so we could work on it. While we worked, we talked, listened to music, and got to know each other. Back then, I had to be home by 9:30, but no later than 9:55. It was 9:00 and I lived clear across town. He offered to give me a ride, but I knew my dad won’t like that. So, I decided to take the bus. I had gathered my stuff and walked to the front door. Just then he stopped me. I turn around to see him holding a folded-up sheet of paper. “Here’s my number, in case you want to talk some more”. Both of us blushing profusely, I take the piece of paper, then give him mine. Soon after I got home, I checked my phone. I missed a call from Jay. So, I called him back. He answered eagerly. “hey”. He said. We talked all night, up until we both fell asleep. The next morning, when I got to school he was standing outside. Ever since that day, no matter where we were, we were always together.
They found Ethan in the cafeteria getting breakfast. “Wow you guys are really slow”. He said apparently not remembering that he ran away from us. “Yeah. Sorry I was getting my…. Chemistry book from my locker”. I said. Jay, Chloe, and I go set our things down on a table. Chloe walks off to join Ethan, leaving Jay and I to talk. “Listen, Becka, I really am sorry”. “I know”. I say, not really wanting to hear this right now. “You don’t have to choose between me and your family”. Ok let’s pause for a minute. This whole thing started because my mom and dad decided not to tell me about family night. I just so happened to have a date with Jay that night. That’s why he’s mad.
“Ok then why are you making such a big deal about this”?
“Because they should have told you before then”.
“Can’t we just move the date to a different day”?
“No, I got reservations for tonight”.
“Well I’m sorry that family comes first”!
“Oh, I guess I’ll just go alone”.
          Just then the bell rings and it’s time to go to class. Without saying a word to me, he picks up his stuff and walks away. Great another fight. I grab my things and head to homeroom. The day went by the slowest of slow. I ate lunch with all my friends, except jay. I wanted to give him some time to cool off. I walked through the door to Journalism, and Mrs. Carpenter told me that I was wanted in the office. Did he really turn me in for a fight?
          Heading down to the office, I check my phone. Obviously not watching where I was going, I accidentally bumped into someone. “OMG! I’m sorry I wasn’t looking where I was….” I look up to him and I just stare. He has such beautiful blue eyes. “I’m sorry. I just spaced out. Anyway, sorry about running into you”. “it's ok”. He replies in a smooth half low voice. He turns away and I look back at my phone. 3 texts from Mom. “at Hailey’s school, something happened”. “Taking Hailey to the hospital”. “hey, I’m coming to get you”. “OMG! What happened”? I text back, running to the office. When I get there, my mom stands up and rushes me out the door. “Mom what’s going on? What happened to Hailey”? “I'll explain when we get there”.
          Down the road from the hospital, I’m really freaking out. “Hey, everything will be ''. Looking at my mom, a very scared look on my face. “MOM, what’s going on”? stopping the car, mom says “Hailey was fighting with a kid on the merry-go-round when she fell and cracked her head on the metal. I tear up, but it's not as bad as I thought. I grab my phone out of my purse and text Jay. “babe, I had to leave school early, I’m at the hospital with my mom. Hailey’s hurt”.  “also, I love you and I’m sorry”. We go up to Hailey’s room, where the doc tells us how bad it is. “she’ll have to stay here for a few more days”. Said Doctor Fritz, a very tall and evil looking man with long dark hair pulled back from his face. Just then Jay texted back. “omg! What’s going on with her? Is she gonna be ok? You know what, I’m on my way”! I drop my phone in my bag, annoyed. “Mom, jays on his way”. She just nods her head slightly and goes back to Hailey. Guess I know who the favorite child is. I slump into one of those plastic chairs by the door and begin to pass out. For some reason I always sleep better anywhere other than my house.
I open my eyes, random in Jay's house. I look around, acting like I haven't been here in years. Just then, someone comes in the front door. I can't make out who it is, because my eyes just went blurry. The person steps closer. I can finally make out facial features. This mystery man has short, dirty dish water blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, and the sweetest looking lips I've ever laid eyes on. Also he is fairly taller than me. He sits down next to me on Jay's couch,  and puts his arm around my back. I turn to him and press my lips. In my mind I'm thinking,  do I know him? Just then the room shifts and we're not at Jay's anymore. Instead we're in a living room with a long black leather couch,  also it's full of boxes.
This must be his house I thought. But I've never been here before, so I wouldn't know this place well enough to dream about it. We must be having the same dream.  I turn to the boy and see his face is unchanged. He leans in to me, not being able to move anything, I just sit there as his soft lips touch mine. The kiss was long and passionate. Suddenly relaxed, I kissed him back. He pulls me on top of him and I go willingly. Just then I feel his hand on my back, underneath my shirt. Somewhere outside of my dream, a door slams. 
I wake up with a jolt of energy. I open my eyes to see Jay and my dad standing around haileys hospital bed. I stand up and walk over to them. Jay sees me and wraps his big arms around my waist. That's his way of saying, "I'm sorry." He said at the same time. I hug him back. There is no way I'm telling him about my dream.  "I'm sorry too." He let's me go, turns to my dad and says "I'm gonna take Becka home, if that's ok?" After a minute of silence, my dad nods his head and turns to hug me. I hug him back then grab my purse. While Jay and I are walking to his car, tears well up in my eyes. 
As soon as I get inside the house, I start to ball my eyes out. Jay sees and comes to comfort me. Slowly he wraps his arms around my waist and lifts up my head with his hand. "What's wrong?" I look at him, knowing that my eye color has changed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wish that my family would tell me things. I wish that we didn't fight all the time. I'm sorry!" Tears flow out my eyes as I bury my face in his chest. I hear my phone go off and I move to get it out. "Don't forget about my party." The text said, though it wasn't Ethans number. "Sorry, I had to get a new phone. I lost mine." I roll my eyes at my phone then look at jay. "It's just Ethan." I say.

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