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          It's midnight. I’m sitting in my room, on the phone with Jay. “I know I know. I’m sorry.” I said, my voice trembling. “You should be''. He screams. He was on speaker. He can be so over dramatic sometimes, I start to think. “Becka, you know you don’t have to make a decision.” He said, trying to make me feel better. It didn’t work.
          Just then my puppy Atlas (a husky-lab mix) came in followed by my little sister Hailey. Her walking in told me that it was late and I was being WAY too loud. “Got to go. Talk to you later.” I said, eager to end the conversation. “Call me tomorrow?” Jay asked. “Ya. Sure.” I said as I hung up the phone and went to put Hailey back to bed.
          After, I came back to my room with Atlas following close by my feet. I got into bed and covered up. With Atlas nuzzling his way under my arm, I turned off my lamp and fell asleep.

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