Into the dreamscape

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Into the dreamscape


          She never really knew me before all this stuff with the dreams. Hell, even I’ve only seen her once or twice in class. I am still new here after all. She’s so beautiful, I’d think whenever I would catch her staring into space. The one time I did talk to her, she was apologizing for running into me. “OMG! I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was….” Then she looked at me. Straight in the eyes. And I looked right at her eyes, warm chocolate brown. For a second, we were both paralyzed. But then she went on talking. When she was done, all I could say was “oh it's ok.” Then I walked away.

          When I got home, I did some research on Becka Evans. Thank god for my dad being an FBI agent. I found out that she moved here in the 3rd grade from Salt Lake City Utah. I also found out via Facebook that she has a boyfriend, Jay Michaels. Just my luck. I fell asleep at my computer, kind of sort of on purpose.
The next day I went for a drive to clear my head of all this confusing stuff. I turned the corner of 10th and Lafayette, and out of nowhere my tire blew. I pulled over to the side walk and got out of the car to look at the damage. I don't know how to change a tire. I look across the street at a big white house with a red door. Maybe they can help me. I go over to the house and knock on the door. A dog starts barking from inside. Shit.
After a few minutes I decide to try a different house. I had my back turned to the house when the door opened. I stood there frozen as I heard a voice, sweet as honey, say "Hello?" I turn around to see a pair of warm chocolate brown eyes. She takes a step backwards, looking frightened. "You-r-r, you're the girl. The one that I keep showing up in my dreams." I say, very enthusiastic. "YOUR TYLER?!" She screamed. She pushed me further down her porch steps, while pulling the door shut behind her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She said kind of angry.

       We talked for 30 minutes about the dreams and how they don't make sense. We also talked about how I don't know how to change a tire, which to be honest, was kind of embarrassing. I saw her shivering, so I changed the subject and asked "are you cold?" Then I took my jacket off and put it around her shoulders. We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds, and her cheeks get really red. "Why don't you come inside that way you can get warm too?"

     We go into the kitchen where she starts making food. In just an hour, we talked about how I moved to town a week ago. We talked about the dreams, and we were both red as hell. “I only started having them when i moved here.” i said totally shy. “ I mean, I had ones when I was young. I was always playing with this brown haired girl. I never knew who it was though.” then the house creaked. She looked at the stairs as if someone was up there, or maybe hoping that someone didn't come down. Is her boyfriend here? She looks at me. Then she looks away as I look at her. She moves to sit next to me at their bar/island. I move my hand to lift her head, so she's looking into my eyes. I start to lean in, and she looks like she's freaking out. As soon our lips touch, she relaxes. I do too, but also suddenly I feel as if the whole galaxy is within her, and this kiss, the way it feels, means that something big is gonna happen.

    We break off and she looks dead. I turn to see her boyfriend, Jay standing by the stairs. She says “Jay….” as he starts to walk out the front door. “ Jay wait” is the last thing I hear her say as she closes the front door behind her. Concerned about Becka, I stand and go to the door, to listen to the argument.
“Jay STOP!” she says
“Why Becka? Why should I not walk out on you right now? Who is that guy?” Jay says
“His name is Tyler. He's new to our school.”
“Why is he here? Does he have something to do with the dreams you have?”
Please dont tell him about my tire.
“ he's here because his tire has a flat.”
Shit. Really Becka?
“He should know how to change a tire. What happens in your dreams?”
“Jay, that's complicated.”
“So complicated that you can't tell me, but you can tell “Tyler”!?”
“I know that it sounds and looks bad but trust me….”
I don't know if i can trust you anymore.”
I hear a car door close, an engine start, and tires going down the driveway. Then I hear the faint sound of Becka crying. I head back to the kitchen and pretend I didn't hear a thing.

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