Date night anyone?

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Jay stayed with me for a little while after he dropped me off. “So I was able to move the reservations to a week from now.” He says turning off his phone. “Does that work better for you?” he asked with a serious look on his face. I look at him and say “yes that works.” He starts to walk to the door when I jump in front of him. “Jay, can you just stay with me tonight? I already asked my mom if she’s coming home or not and she said she’s not so you CAN stay.” He looks at me slightly, then looks away. “I don’t know.” He said “I don’t want another fight.” I look at him and smile. “Me either.” Then we pull into a passionate kiss. I start to push him back to my living room, but I get a sudden flash of a face with beautiful blue eyes, and I stop instantly. “What’s wrong?” Jay says as I come back to reality. I go sit down on the couch and turn on the t.v. Jay comes and sits by me, puts his arm around my back and pulls me close to him.
For the rest of the night, we sat there until I fell asleep. After a few minutes of being totally asleep, I feel Jay get up and walk away. I really hope he didn’t leave. I thought as I heard a door close somewhere in my dream. Just then, the mysterious man is back with me on his couch. I look at him and say “who are you anyway?” he looks at me as if he has seen a ghost. “My name is Tyler. Also I didn’t know that we could talk in dreams.” I look around and see that we are in his house again. Just great. Just then I feel his fingers running through my bleach blond hair. I turn to look at him and he lands his lips on mine. Suddenly, I feel a rush of heat and give in to his kiss. We kiss for what feels like hours. Then suddenly he stops. I look at him, confused. “What’s wrong?” I ask as he gets up and walks away. I follow close behind him, just to see where he’s going. He makes a right turn down to the hallway, then heads straight. “Where are you going?!” I follow him behind the door, turned to close it, then he jumped at me, making me fall on a bed. His bed. What’s happening am I in his room? Is he trying to…..Just then I feel his soft lips on my neck and my thoughts are gone. He slips his hand under my back, while I’m scratching his back with my nails. Tyler stops kissing my neck for a second, then he starts taking off my shirt. What is he doing?! I push him off, and with an “are you stupid look” stood up and ran right at him to push him again. Just then I wake up, screaming. Jays sitting at my feet, giving me the most worried look in the world. “Becka, are you ok?” he asks. I sat up to freaked out to talk. “Say something to me.” I look at him and say “I’m fine, Jay.” “Ok. Good. I went to get the pizza I ordered, and when I came back you were screaming your head off. I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn’t come to. What were you dreaming about anyway?” I look at my feet not wanting to answer him. “Becka. Look at me.”
I look at him to see him standing right next to me. “What ever happened in your dream, it won’t happen again.” I turn away from him and head up to my room. I close the door while Jay was trying to say something, but it was all muffled. I got changed for bed then opened the door to let him in. He comes in acting like he’s never been in my room before. I lay down in my bed while he takes off his shoes to lay down with me. When he’s finally in bed, I turn to him and say “I’m glad that you’re right next to me. I might need you. As for what I dreamed about, I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to tell you without you getting mad or upset.” “It’s ok, becks, I’m always with you. And I’m not worried about the dream, I’m worried about you. I love you and don’t want to see you get hurt.” I was already asleep when he said that last part. But for the first time that day, my dreams were completely blank. Except for my small dream of Hailey, coming back from the hospital good as new and just fine. No Tyler. No different house. No kisses that last forever. Just flat out blank. Just the way I like them.
I wake up to atlas barking. “Stupid dog.” I scream. Jays still asleep. SHUT UP! I thought. I get out of bed slowly, as to not wake Jay. I go downstairs to let the dog out, when I see he’s barking at the door. I go pick him up, and see there is someone there. I put atlas outside so he would shut up, then went back to the front door. When I open the door all I can see is the back of some person's head. “Hello?” I say. He turns around and the first thing I see are his beautiful blue eyes. I stagger back, a little scared. He gives me the same look from yesterday. “You-r-r, you’re the girl. The one that keeps showing up in my dreams.” He says like even he can’t believe it.  This is the guy? I thought. “YOU’RE TYLER?!” I screamed, forgetting about Jay still being asleep. I push him farther out the door, while pushing myself out too. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” sounding angry but still quiet.
He stares me down. “I don’t know why you’re in my dreams, but it’s kind of weird. Don’t you think?” “YEAH! Of course it’s weird. I don’t know you at all and I’m dreaming of you.” He turns away, but not for very long. “I don’t even know how I found you. I wasn’t even trying.” I looked past him to find that his car had a flat tire. Does he not know how to fix it? “Do you not know how to fix a flat tire?” I ask him, shivering. He gives me a smirk and asks” you cold?” changing the subject. He takes off his jacket and puts it around my shoulders. Without meaning to, I look up at his eyes. They’re the same shade of perfect blue as they were in my dreams. My cheeks flush a deep red.  “Why don’t you come inside that way you can get warm too?”
He followed me into the kitchen, where I started to make jay and I some breakfast. Over the course of just an hour, I’ve learned that Tyler moved here just last week. We also talked about the dreams. During that conversation, we were both as red as tomatoes. “I only started having them when I moved here”. He said, a little shy. “I mean, I had ones when I was young. I was always playing with this brown haired girl. I never knew who it was though.” In the silence, the house creeks. I hope that’s not Jay. I look back at Tyler, at his blue eyes, at his soft, sweet lips. I look away as I see him do the same to me. I move to sit next to him at the bar/island. He lifts my head with his hand, so I’m looking right into his eyes. He starts leaning in. WHAT IF JAY COMES DOWN STAIRS AND SEES? As soon as his lips are on mine, my thoughts disappear and I fall into heaven.
The kiss lasts at least 5 minutes. When we pull apart, I open my eyes to see Jay staring right at me. SHIT! “Jay ….” he walks to the door, almost ready to cry. “Jay wait”. I get up and run after him but he’s already out the door. I throw the door open and follow him to his car. “Jay STOP!” He turns to me, tears in his eyes.
“Why Becka? Why should I not walk out on you right now? Who is that guy?”
“His name is Tyler. He’s new at our school”.
“Why is he here? Does he have something to do with the dreams you have?”
“He’s here because his car has a flat.”
“He should know how to change a tire. What happens in your dreams?”
“Jay, that’s complicated.”
“So complicated that you can’t tell me, but you can tell “Tyler”?!”
“I know that it sounds and looks bad but trust me….”
“I don’t know if I can trust you anymore”.
He gets in his car and drives off, I’m sitting alone crying on the front steps, and Tyler is sitting in my kitchen, listening to the whole thing.
God damn I really fucked up.

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