What now?

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    After about 10 minutes of crying on my front steps, Tyler comes out the door. “Becka, what just happened?” he asked a very concerned look on his face. “Nothing serious, just that im pretty sure that Jay just broke up with me, not because i was kissing you, but because i wont tell him about the stupid dreams!” I said getting more and more angry as I talked. “Becka im sorry….” he starts to say but i cut him off “just leave Tyler, you've caused enough chaos.” i say as i sit back on the steps. He walks away, leaving his car across the street with the tire still flat.

    A few hours later, mom comes back to take a shower and change clothes. She didn't even notice that I was upset. The breakfast I made for Jay and I went straight to the trash. I sat in my room for the rest of the day, hoping Jay would call or text me, but he never did. I'll see him on Monday, anyway. Just then I got a call from Chloe. She can tell something is wrong even though she ain't here. She's an empath. 

I answer “hey chlo, whats up?” 

“what's wrong Becka? I can feel that you are upset.” 

“Why don't you just come and stay over tonight so i can tell you. It's just me here so i don't have to ask permission or anything.”

“Ok i'm on my way.”

     I hang up the phone and no more than 7 minutes later, she's at my front door. “How the hell….” “don't ask.” she said. We head up to my room and she puts her stuff down by the foot of my bed, atlas following at our heels. We sit on my bed and I tell her about everything that happened with jay. “ wait why is he worried about your dreams?” she asks.  So i tell her about my dreams, knowing that i can trust her to not tell jay. “Dude, that is like, the WEIRDEST thing i've ever heard of”. She said, actually weirded out by it. “Wow thanks chlo”. I say blushing. She doesn't understand. “I don't mean it like, omg you literally cray cray.” she said “i know, dude.”

      We talk for a few more hours, then eventually Chloe falls asleep. I, however, went outside to fix Tyler's tire. It's the least I could do for him after I literally threw him out. When I was done with the tire, I went back inside. Atlas was curled up on the couch, the back door was wide open, Chloe was asleep upstairs. WHY IS THE BACK DOOR OPEN?! I go over to the back door, look outside and close it. I turn around and Jay is standing by the bottom of the stairs. “Jay, hi.” i say, glad he's even in the same room as me. “Becka, i don't know what the hell happens in your dreams, or how the hell your dreams are connected with that Tyler person, but i dont want some stupid dreams to be the thing to tare us apart.” he said, his eyes red and puffy. He's been crying.

     A half hour later, Jay and I are asleep on my couch, cuddled up to each other. I start dreaming, against my will. I open my eyes and I'm on my couch, only Jay is gone. Tyler walks down the stairs. “Hello tyler.” i said wanting to just leave this dream before anything happens. “Hi becka, listen I feel like we have a lot to talk about.” he said. “Ya we do, but i really don't want to talk about it now. Can I go?” I start walking out the door, hoping going out it will wake me up. Out of nowhere, Tyler's hand is on my wrist, turning me around. He pulled me in close, his other hand on my waist, keeping me from moving. “You could go…” he said staring into my eyes, “or you could stay. We can do whatever we want here, no one gets hurt.” I removed his hand from my waist, then from my wrist. “Tyler, i think we need to figure out why our dreams are connected before you try anything else.” he looks down at the ground, almost disappointed. He walks over to the door and opens it, his head still down. I stand in the doorway looking out. All there is is a very very bright white light. I turned around to say bye to Tyler and before I could say anything, his lips are on mine. Wrapped in a frantic kiss, I kept thinking pull away. But i didn't have the will. Tyler puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me out of the doorway. I woke up.


    I woke up still in the same position as I was when I fell asleep. I'm gonna tell him later. I look up at Jay. I move so that my head would be in his chest, and give him a kiss on the cheek. He moves a little bit so I freeze. He opens his eyes slightly, smiles, and presses his lips on mine. After a few minutes, he pulls off and says “I love you.” tears start to form in my eyes. “I love you too.” I kissed him again, more passionately then ever.

    I woke up the next morning to Chloe sitting on the chair next to the couch, watching t.v. “good morning sunshine.” she said in a sing-song voice. “I see that you had a house guest last night.” I smile, blushing till my face turns red. “Yeah. we had some talking to do. Then we kinda just fell asleep.” She looks toward the kitchen. “That true my friend?” I turn toward the kitchen and see Jay making Chloe, him, and I breakfast. “Good morning, beautiful.” he says as i get up and move to the bar/island. “Morning.” i said as i leaned over the counter and kissed him. “ Jay we gotta talk later, ok?” He nods. “Yo chlo. Foods done.” he says. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! She screamed from the living room all the way into the kitchen. We all sit at the bar. Jay next to me, Chloe next to him. Jays world famous Chocolate chocolate chip pancakes. I waste no time digging straight into them. In 10 minutes flat my pancakes were gone. Chloe looked at me, eyes wide with shock and curiosity, Jay just rolls his eyes and smiles “ she loves my pancakes, chlo.” I clear my plate and head up stairs. I start to get dressed. I heard Chloe leave about 15 minutes later, but Jay never left. He came to my room and waited for me.

    “ are you sure that you want to talk about this?” he asked. I come out of my bathroom, grab some clothes, and go back in. “You're the one that said you wanted to know about my dreams.” I said, yelling through the door. “Well yeah, but i honestly didn't think you were going to tell me.” he said, almost shy like. I walk out the bathroom door and sit next to him on my bed. “Do you want to know or not?”

         “Well no not really.” he said as I looked at him. “ ok then, you gonna ask about them again?” I asked, knowing he’ll ask again soon. “No. I don't plan on it. You'll tell me when you wanna.” he was right about that. I pull on my knee high sneakers, which go really well with what i'm wearing. Grab my purse, take Jay's hand, walk out the door and get in the car to go see my sister.

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