Failure By Design

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Danielle's POV

It was maths lesson when my phone buzzed. I unlock it and see that Anna had messaged me. 'Can you talk?' I quickly reply with a simple 'yeah' as I silence my phone. 'So I kind of found our old letters. There's something that I need to send you. Is it okay?' I smile slightly as I read the message. I always loved our old letters. They were stupid and sometimes they didn't make any sense. It didn't matter to me. "Danielle Katelyn Urie, can you please put your phone away?" the teacher says with an angry look on his face. "Yes, sir." I say and do as I'm told. Trigonometry. I hate that. "Could you come and solve the problem, Danielle?" The teacher says. As soon as I get up the bell rings. I back my bag and leave the classroom. I stop by my locker and get the things for the last lesson what is Chemistry. Luckily that wasn't that difficult. I walk towards the class as I bump into someone. That someone is Frank. "Im so sorry!" I say as I walk next to him. "It's ok, Dani. We're gonna have chemistry, right?" he asks. "Yeah. I hope that we don't do any experiments because we'd fail again." I laugh. "I haven't seen you around today, where were you?" he asks. "Just busy. I swear that tomorrow we'll get lunch together." Frank nods and opens the classroom door for me. I must admit that he was one of the most normal guys in my class. I check my phone once again before the class started. This time I had no new messages. I sit down next to him and put my things on the table. The teacher walks in and starts the lesson, saying that we will have a test. I hear Frank groan as the papers were handed to us. Another bad grade, here I come.

After a while I realized that I didn't know anything about the material in the test. "Frank." I say in a whisper. He gets the message and gives me a few answers. After half an hour there lesson ended and we walked out of the building. "Are you gonna go by bus?" he asks. "No, I guess that Brendon's gonna pick me up. We needed to go to mum's after school." I say as I put my jacket on and dial Brendon's number. "Right. I'll wait with you." he says and sits down on a bench. Brendon was going to pick me up in fifteen minutes so I sat down next to Frank. "I guess that we failed chemistry." I say as he opens a can of Red Bull. "I guess," he shrugs and offers me some of his Red Bull. "Want some?" I take a sip and hand it back. "Chemistry just isn't my thing." I laugh. "Yeah, we were born to fail this, I swear." he says with a slight chuckle. I see Brendon's car and get up. "Bye Frankie." I say as I walk towards the car. "Bye Dani!" he half yells as he begins to walk away. I smile slightly as I open the car door and get in, bracing myself for the worst.

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