If I Had You

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Anna POV:

I sat there for 30 min when i heard my phone ring. It was Danielle. "Hey, how are you" i stopped crying "i'm fine" "Are you serious! You're never fine when you say you're fine! Whta's wrong?" "No everything is okay i promise" "For sure?" "Yes" "Okay, then. How's school. When are you coming here?" "I don't know that yet." "Okay, but school, and...you...know him. how is he." "I'll tell you everything when i see you. It's better to talk about it in person. Okay?"  "Okay" i heard someone call Dani. "Hey, are you coming!" Dani yelled back "Yeah, in a minute!" "Who was that? Brendon?" "Yes." "Oh, say hi for me." "Sure thing but i gotta go now. I'll call later okay?" "Yeah okay" "Bye" "Bye" I put my phone down and take a deep breath.

I've been lying to her a whole month that i'm okay when i'm really not. I know that she can help me and all but i don't want her to think about it, about my problems. She dosen't need to, she has her own tihings to worry about. I heard my phone again this time it was a text but from who. Oh from him...it was Jonas...I wrote him earlier, we talk evey day, but  after what i found out we haven't talked much. I'm not in a mood to talk to him. He hurt my feelings, it's like a tradition for me to get hurt all the time. I didn't even look at the text. He's great guy but i don't knonw him that well. He's smart, he has good grades, good looks and a great smile. We're just friends......I think.......nothing more and it's gonna stay that way cause yeah i'm not his type i know that.

Suddenly i heard a doorbell. "Great my parents and brothers came, just great". I didn't wanna stay home. I don't like my family. There's no one who i like.....well only few cousins but that's it. No one really cares in this family what i do or where i am. I greet them with smile cause i don't  wanna talk to them. I grab my coat and go out for a walk.Again

Fresh air helps me think. Only few months more and then i'm gone. I don't have to see them again. I can finally see Dani. I wonder how is she. Oh my god i didn't ask how is she. Ugh how could i forget that. i'm gonna call her tomorrow it's late already. I noticed that i walked 15 km. I don't know how that happened but i needed to head back. Sometimes i lose myself in my thoughts and i don't pay attention. I look at my phone. Parents haven't called or anything. Oh yeah they don't care. I head home in anger.

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