Beautiful Dream

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Anna POV:

I was hanging out with my friends Dani, Kristen and Evert. We had a really great tim. Suddenly i felt that someone grabed my hand. It was Evert, he pulled me closer and kissed me. I was shocked. He liked me and to be honest i liked him too. He's  really cute, sweet, strong, tall, has green eyes, dark brown hair, he's a really good listener. Just dream boy. He's 17, one of the cutest guys i've ever met. After that day we were together almost everyday. Knowing that he's there for me when ever i need him. When he hugged me or held my hand i had butterflies in my stomach. I loved that feeling.

Then I woke up. It was only a dream? NOOOOO! It was so beautiful and felt so real. I mean i felt his lips on mine, and i felt how he held my hand. My heart was beting out of my chest. How could it be only a dream. How did i find out his name, that never happens in my dreams. I look at my phone it was 6 am and i had 4 missed calls from Jonas. He called the 5 time too but i ignored it. I went to pack my stuff for school. Everyone were still asleep. I didn't wanna wake them. I open my front door and what do i see Jonas.

Jonas: Good morning. Ready to go
Me: Why are you here?
Jonas: I wanted to make sure that you're coming to school.
Me: So...You came here.
Jonas: Yeah, we're walking to school together.
Me: Okay, lets go then

We walked to school together but as soon as we reached the school door he saw his friends and forgot about me. I was used to that, he wants to be with me and next thing i know he changes his mind.  We didn't talk all day. I'm used to write him after school right away but today i didn't. I'm done getting hurt.

I didn't go home right away. What should i do now Dani is not here who do i even have here. No one. I don't trust my family, no one. Is that weird. I can't take this.

I stopped talking to Jonas. He hasn't wrote me or called, nothing. Maybe he's tired of me. I'm just gonna wait and let it be. i was on twitter...just looking for something new and i saw what Jonas had tweeted few days ago and it was about me, this time it was more hurtful then the first time. For my curiosity i looked at his and what i saw there really broke my heart. That was it. Why  pretend to be my friend if he tells stuff like that about me. I am done with him.

I bet Evert would've been a better person if he was real. I started to think about my dream again, i grabbed my phone and listened to my music and fell asleep. I never wanted to wake up. This life is crule. But i gotta move on. As Dani says i'm a great person, funny, cheerful etc. Well this time i thought to myself that i really am a wonderful person and if one guy dosen't see it then it's his problem. People come and go but it's hard to let go.

The last few months went by fast. I did good on my exams. I really want to get into one school in California. My grades were alot better now. I can see Dani soon. I opened our old letters,e-mails and texts, they always make me smile. We talk about random stuff. We laugh together, we cry together, we do everything together.

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