A New Friend

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Anna POV:

 While i was reading the old letter Dani sent me, I thought it would be great to surprise her on my way to California. I would stop by for few days. Hehehehehe...the last time i surprised her it ended with tears, she got to see me for about 10 min and she got one of her favorite band Concert DVD. I usually don't listen to that kind of music but she made me see something in it and now i listen to that band almost everyday, cause it reminds me of her. I put all the letters back in the box and i went to pack my stuff. I already have an apartment picked out. 

I drove to the airport. I had to wait 6 hours cause the plane was late because of some storm. So i had no time to visit her. I will go to Chicago after my collage exams. It was a long flight and when we landed in California I met this guy, his name was Kevin. He was very nice. I was kind a lost so he helped me. He showed me around and finally he dropped me off at my collage he said he'll wait me outside. That was really nice of him. When i got back

Kevin: So how did you do
Me: I don't know. I think i failed it.
Kevin: Naaah...don't worry about it okay. Where do you wanna go now
Me: I think i'll stay at the hotel. Coud you take me to the nearest one.
Kevin: Oh no...you don't need to pay money to stay at the hotel. You can stay at my place as long as you want
Me: No i...can't. You've done so much already 
Kevin: Oh C'mon it would be nice to have someone around. If you haven't noticed i don't have many friends here.
Me: Are you sure it's okay.
Kevin: I'm positive.
Me: Okay

He had a big house with a pool and a gym. It was awesome. 
Kevin: mi casa es su casa
Me: Thanks, for everything. I don't know how....
Kevin: Let me stop you right there. You odn't need to thank me. I'm glad i got to know you.

I just smiled and looked around the house. I've always dreamed of this kind of house. He lived my dream.
Kevin: I know it's big but it gets really lonely and boring around here.
Me: I know what you feel
Kevin: Youd do?
Me: (i smiled) Why are you so surprised.
Kevin: You seem like a really fun and awesome girl. It's hard to believe that you have these kinds of problems
Me: Well i don't really talk to anyone in my family and i don't have friends. Well only one who lives in Chicago 
Kevin: Hmmmm.....what about me.
Me: Oh Kevin of course you too.
Kevin: So i'm in the club now.
Me: What club.
Kevin: in your friends club.
Me: Yeah i guess so :D
Kevin: So what do you say if we would go and visit your other friend.
Me: I actually thought doing that
Kevin: So we'll go tomorrow.
Me: I love roadtrips. It will be fun.
Kevin: Okay but now i'll show your room.

And we went upstairs into this really big bedroom. It will be a great day tomorrow

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