7 - Hallways

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Three months had passed since Liesl's birthday celebrations and the East High Last Dance was fast approaching. The girls were clamouring around Sharpay for approval on their dresses (honestly!) and running around putting up posters for Sharpay to be the Homecoming Queen. Not the best idea, though, as she soon had a blue moustache with distinctive curls. As well as tearing all the corners of the colourfully jetted paper, the 'scum' decided to Tippex her dress and then tear it completely off the wall and turn the shreds into a mini paper - maché model.

As usual, her assistant trotted down the hall with her morning latte. She, much like Sharpay, slinked her bag on the joint of her arm. Dark hair (as well as bleached blonde), large sunnies, and high heels surrounded the hallway as the 'high-end ' of the girls gossiped about the hot guys in their year. Falling over and being forced to look at bony ankles on the other hand, not so good. Seriously, I'm struggling for air here! If that's even possible to comprehend.

My books are scattered along the floor, and just as I go to pick them up, a eight inch stiletto heel pierces its way through them. I wince, but pick them up and walk on regardless. Just when I make a left turn to go to class, I smash into a wall.


"Oh shut up and get going!" Before I could even reorientate, I was pushed through the door and into my seat. A red line suddenly came to life along the front of my knee cap. Hi, everyone!and at that moment, I seriously think I died.

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