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Sidharth's fondness over Shehnaaz has been only increasing, she was vivacious and ebullient. There was this thing with her, her ambience maybe, it felt so nice, so warm. He was glad she was opening up, not as a doctor but he genuinely wanted to fix the thing that was troubling her. He was happy and not taken back when she had hugged him, it was somewhere expected, he felt endowed with trust. She had started to trust him and it felt like a responsibility to take care of her and her trust.

Next day in the hospital, he was taken to the emergency room. A police constable, around his early 30s was transferred from provincial hospital after being shot by gun to the abdomen

"Sir.. The arrival condition was stable... BP 110/77 mmHg and a pulse of 60/minute; GCS 15/15; Sats 99%..." the sister informed. He nodded proceeding for the initial examination of an abdomen that showed a gunshot wound on the left upper quadrant of his chest. Tenderness in most of the upper part. Done with the X-rays of chest and abdomen, they found a bullet on the same side. The patient was left under observation while awaiting CT was given IV fluids, bladder catheterisation, blood works. Later seeing his HB drop to 8.5, he was taken to theatre immediately and one large incision was made into the abdomen, Splenectomy, a surgery to remove the entire spleen, a fist-sized organ that sits under the left rib cage near the stomach, was performed and the bullet was removed.

Shehnaaz was feeling so great these days, she felt her life was all set on a track now. She had a job now, she was doing good in the academy and she had a great neighbor. They were bonding at a pace and had no problem with it. He's an amazing guy, she could share words with, no sympathy, no assurance, no help needed but just a person who would talk and listen, even her blabberings necessarily. She wasn't an intelligent kind, who would not speak of general knowledge about technology or politics, she only spoke what she saw and did. That's how she was, talkative and hell blunt! She was much more earlier, upfront and emotional but had concealed herself due to certain reasons. But with Sidharth, she was layering out, after the harmless and positive vibes she had felt around.

Everything was going fine, she also made really good friends at her dance academy. Shubh, a classic Mumbaikar, a funny character and was really good at hip-hop. So was Anna, she knew ballet, waltz and hip-hop while Shehnaaz was good at contemporary, semi classical and knew a lil bit of ballet too. Today, in the short break they were given, the girls were teaching Shubh ballet, making him stand on his toes.

"Enough! I'm dying!" he panted, sweating profusely, however it only made them laugh. Dancing on toes was dead difficult, he realised.

"What are your plans this weekend?" Shubh asked, while walking out of gates, the academy was off on weekends and it was Friday already.

"Nothing much.." the girls shrugged. Sidharth would be visiting his mother again, so she had nothing for the weekend.

"Good..We're hanging out then.. Sana no excuses!" he warned. Last week she had refused to hangout, reasoning that she was new in the town, now being friends with this overenthusiastic guy, she could not say no.

"Okay then.. Bye see ya!" she bid bye making her way towards the metro station.

Back home, she had a meal with Arohi. Her roommate wasn't a bad person, just a lazy ass. Daily doses of reminders were making her work now. Shehnaaz was lazily scrolling her Insta feed, settled in her balcony to begin with her new found hobby. She would peep through Sidharth's open balcony door to his living room. He kept that door open as a habit to let in the fresh air in the evening and she clicked extremely zoomed in pictures of him sitting on the sofa or dining table, doing some work or eating. She would then send them on whatsapp and wait for him to make faces and then shut the door, oh she so loved irritating him. She stared at the open door, to do the same, waiting for any movement. To her surprise, she found him half naked roaming around talking to somebody over the phone, nothing very particular but he had a great body!

AJEEB DASTAN HAl YEH..♥️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें