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Mario was panicking and freaking out , he quickly dialed 911.
"Oh my gosh please help, I just found my girlfriend dead in the bathtub" !
"Ok sir, help is on the way" !
The sirens sounded off, and the paramedics were quickly pulling up and coming threw with a stretcher.
"Where is she" ?! The medic asked
"She's in here" ! Mario said
"Alright sir, please stand back"
"No I'm her boyfriend, I don't wanna leave her"
"Sir please, we have to do our job" !
Mario cries and steps back,The medic tried giving her CPR ,but it was no use , she was pronounced dead.Mario was going crazy.
"No Nikki" !!!!!!
Nikki was being rolled out in a black body bag.
Caroline, Tyrone, Brandon and Victoria got the news, they were on their way to Nikki's house.Mario was sitting on the couch while a lady Detective questioned him.
"Do you have any idea who would want to hurt her" ?
He shakes his head quickly "no"
"How well was your relationship with her" ?
"Excuse me? what does that have to do with anything" ?!
"It's only a question"
"Your not indicating that I killed her do you?!
"We're just trying to figure this out"
"I found her dead in the tub, I would never hurt her, I loved her" !
"We didn't say you killed her, and we didn't say you didn't love her, we're just trying to make sense of this"
"No your trying to accuse me of shit and twist my words up, I know how you Detectives work" !
Caroline and the crew went running in with a panic.Mario quickly jumps up and hugs Caroline.
"Oh my God Mario, we are so sorry" ! Caroline said
"Bro this is insane" ! Tyrone said
"WTF is happening right now"?! Mario asked
"Who are these people" ? The cop asked
"My friends"!
"We're gonna have to ask y'all some questions"
"Can we grieve in peace please"?! Caroline said
"Of course...but please come down to the station in the morning, it's important we take statements from y'all as well"
"Ugh why" ?! Victoria said
"Its important we question anybody that was involved with the victim..it's only procedure"
"Ugh well your procedure can go to hell, because we didn't do anything, Nikki was our best friend" ! Victoria said
"She really was , like y'all so annoying with this procedure bullshit" Brandon said
"In the morning , my office, I'm sorry for your lost, goodnight"
The Detective walks out, and the cops follows behind.
"We gotta go in the morning" Caroline said as she looks around at everybody
"Why TF should we?! we didn't do anything" ! Victoria said
"Ugh it doesn't matter, It will look really fuckin suspicious if we don't go" ! Caroline said
"Yeah Caroline is right...and besides if your innocent you shouldn't have anything to worry about" ?
"Innocent people get accused of shit too" Brandon said
"Fr, like their already suspecting me" Mario said
"Well that's obvious because you were Nikki boyfriend" Caroline said
"How do we know Mario didn't kill her" ?! Victoria said
"What" ?! He said with a frown
"Well everybody was so quick to accuse me, accuse his ass" ! She snaps
Everybody glances at Mario.
"Aw guys come on you know me...I literally found her dead in the tub and I immediately dialed 911"!
"You could have killed her and still dialed 911, they do it all the time in the movies" Victoria said
"Shoot I'm with Victoria on that" Brandon said
"I loved Nikki, I would never hurt her" ! Mario said
"Yeah we know Mario , he wouldn't do that" Tyrone said
"Well yall know me too, and I wouldn't hurt her" Victoria said
"Well that's why we need to stick together and tell the cops the truth" Caroline said


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