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Caroline was at home pacing the door.
(Ding dong)
She jumps.She knew that was Ty at the door.
"Who is it"?
"It's me baby open up"
She slowly opens the door.He smiles.She barely smiles.
"Hey...baby ...you okay" ?
"Yeah" she quickly says
He glares at her oddly "well can I come in" ? He said with a chuckle
"Oh of course, sorry"
He makes a weird face and walks in.
"So I brought you some Jamaican beef patties and a sweet tea, and I got myself a chicken sandwich"
"Aw okay thanks baby"
"Your welcome, you know I always gotchu"
He kisses her lips , she barley kisses him back.
"Whoa....why you ain't kissing me back ? You seem kind of off"
She glares at him, then looks away.
"You know you can talk to me Caroline"
She sighs deeply."Tyrone I need you to be completely honest with me right now"
"Ok baby, but you know I'm always honest with you"
"Are you really Ty"?
"What the fuck does that supposed to mean" ?
Caroline glares at him. "I know you didn't kill Christina...but it's possible that you could have killed our friends"
"Whoa whoa whoa where the fuck did you get that idea from" ?
"Before I moved here did y'all have any fights or past beef that I don't know about" ?
"I mean most friends fight here and their, but I would never hurt them, where the fuck is this coming from Caroline" ?!
"Did you kill our friends Tyrone" ?!
"Why are you being so defensive and raising your voice at me? your kind of scaring me Ty"
"I'm angry AF, because I told your ass I don't like when people accuse me of shit I didn't do, and that makes me very very upset" !
Caroline backs away. "Tyrone your scaring me"
"Why am I scaring you" ?!
"Because your raising your voice and acting like a crazy person"
"I'm not acting like a crazy person, I'm just upset and I can't believe you would even ask me such a thing, let along accuse me of something so horrendous"
"I just want the truth Ty" !
"Im telling you the fuckin truth Caroline, why can't you believe me?! like you know you can trust me" !
Tyrone walks towards Caroline, she grabs a knife.
"Stay back " !
"Caroline what are you doing?! Put that knife down" !
"Stay away from me Tyrone" !
"Caroline please, I didn't kill our friends I promise you that, and you know I didn't kill Christina because I was in the bed with you at the time....and remember when you saw the killer outside my window" ?!
She nods. "I was in the room , in the bed when you saw that, so how could that be me?! I can't be in two places at the same time" !
"You can have a helper" !
"No, I'm telling you I didn't do nothing, I'm innocent, just please put the knife down" !!
He walks closer to her,
"Please I'm begging you Caroline, I am not the Beverly Hills killer" !!!
She glares at him in his eyes, the knife drops from her hands, he runs and hugs her, she cries in his arms.
"I'm so sorry Ty, I was just so scared, I'm so sorry" !
"It's okay Caroline, you know you can trust me, I'm always gonna be here for you"
"I know Ty...I'm so sorry" !
She glares up at him as tears fell down her cheeks.He glares down at her with a slight smile.


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