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Timmy and Yamari glances at each other , than at him.
"How would you even know that...unless" ? Timmy said
"Unless what" ? Jordan asked
Timmy and Yamari jumps up.
"Unless yous the killer" ! Timmy said
"Oh my gosh" ! Yamari said
"What me?! No way! I ain't the killer, I'm just assuming that's why the killer is killing people" Jordan said
"You know what I think me and Yamari should leave" Timmy said
"Are you serious?! I am not the killer, YALL know me! Come on Yamari you know me" !
She glances at Timmy. "I don't know Jordan"
"No! I would never hurt Christina, you know I was crazy about her" !
"See that's the problem, you were crazy about her" !
"Bruh I didn't kill Christina and I didn't kill those other people" !
"Yamari let's get the fuck outta here" !
"I'm right behind you Timmy" ! Yamari said
Timmy and Yamari ran out.
"We're going to the cops on you" ! Timmy shouts
"NO WTF ...GUYS" !!! He screams in anger

Caroline and Tyrone pulls up at Mario place.
"Bruh his car is here" Tyrone said
"Okay that's weird" Caroline said
Both hops out the car.His front door was halfway open.
"Why is his door open" ? Caroline asked
"Oh God whats happening" ?
Caroline and Ty walked in and they glared all around.
"Mario" ?! Caroline screams
"Mario" ! Tyrone screams
"Mario where you at" ?!
"Aye Mario" ?!
Caroline walked in Mario's bed room.
"Oh my God Tyrone come here" !
"What" ?!
Tyrone runs up and glares into the room .He gasped.Mario was hanging from his ceiling fan, blood was dripping from his neck.
"Oh my God Mario" !! Caroline screams
"WTF" !! Tyrone screams
"Blood?! People don't bleed when they hang themselves , they only get strangled" !
"Looks like his neck was slit before he was hung" !
"So someone tried to make it look like a suicide"
Caroline glances at Tyrone.He glances back at her.

Timmy and Yamari was flying down the street.
"Oh my gosh do you really think that Jordan is the killer" ?! Yamari asked
"I don't know, but he definitely has motive"
"Are we seriously gonna go to the cops" ?!
"Ugh I don't know...because we don't have any proof"
"Ugh well we need sum kind of proof"
Timmy nods.

Jordan was freaking out, he didn't know what Timmy and Yamari was finna do.He was on pins and needles.He couldn't help but to bite his nails.
"Please don't go to the cops" he whispered
He quickly started to blow Yamari phone up.

"Oh shit he's calling me" !
"Don't answer" !
Yamari ignores his call.

"Dammit answer" !
He calls again.

"He calling again" !
"Ugh fine answer, but put it on speaker" !
Yamari answers.
"What" ?!
"Please don't go to the cops on me" !
"Because your guilty right" ??
"No because I'm innocent, and I don't wanna become a suspect"
"Why would you become a suspect if your innocent"
"Ugh you know how the system is Yamari, they will try to twist my words and come up with scenarios about how they think I killed someone like Timmy just did with me"
"True, but you still could have killed them" Timmy said
"Y'all got it wrong, but explain why I could have killed Nikki, Brandon and Victoria" ?
"Because you hated them" !
"You and Timmy hated them too, remember they bullied all of us...even Christina, and now she's dead"
Timmy stops the car and glares into the distance.
"But if someone from that side killed Christina, why are they killing their own friends" ? Timmy asked
"Well first off who do you think is the killer" ? Yamari asked
"Maybe Caroline" Jordan said
"Well she definitely disliked Christina....and maybe she killed Nikki because she was getting next to her man, and maybe she low key had bad beef with Brandon and Victoria...who knows" Yamari said
"Okay now that's possible" Timmy said
"Yeah that makes sense" Jordan said
Everybody sighed at the same time.
"Well we will ttyl Jordan" Yamari said
"Alright so I'm in the clear right,? Y'all know I'm not the killer right" ?
"Yeah" Yamari said
"Good, ttyl"
She hangs up.Timmy cuts the radio on.
"Breaking news a young man name Mario Martinez was found dead today in his home by his two friends Caroline Anderson and Tyrone Oshay, he was hung , but his death was staged to look like a suicide,because he neck was was sliced and he was dead way before hand"
Timmy and Yamari gives each other crazy glares.


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