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After the pool party Tyrone grabs Caroline hand and they ran away in the house.He picks her up and pins her up against the wall as he kisses her neck and breasts, she moans softly at the touch of his wet lips.Their lips met and they started tongue kissing all wild.He rips her bra off , his hands grips her breasts as he sucks on her nipples.She bites her lip.He then picks her up and carries her away upstairs into the bed room, he throws her on the bed and he jumps on the bed.She pushes him in his back and hops on top.She wanted to take charge tonight.She started to ride him all slow then fast.He was griping and slapping her lil ass cheeks while she rode him like a cowgirl.The feel of his hardness inside her body made her go crazy , she was throwing her head back and swinging her hair.She was letting it all hang out tonight.

After sexy time Caroline laid on Tyrones chest.He was playing in her hair.She loved the way his fingers ran threw it.
"You know you make me feel safe"
"Das my job to make you feel safe baby"
"I don't know what I'll do without you"
"I'll always be their for you even on your rough days , it doesn't matter"
"Ugh why do you put up with my shit" ?
"Because I love you"
She grins "correct answer"
He laughs.
"So do you think the killing has stopped" ?? Caroline asked
Tyrone nods slowly.
"Why you seem unsure ?
"Because we don't know for sure"
"But nobody hasn't died in weeks, I think we're good"
"Maybe...maybe not"
Caroline glares at him "do you know something that I don't" ?
"No I'm just saying"
Caroline makes a face and sighs.

~that morning~
Detective Jones was banging on Caroline's door.
"Ugh it's 9am, who is that bangin on my door this early" Caroline said as she yawned and stretched
"I don't know"
Tyrone slides out the bed and walks to the bathroom.
Caroline slips on her robe and walks to the door.
"Who is it" ?!
"It's Detective Jones" !
Caroline makes a face.
"Ugh why is she here" ?
She opens the door.
"Uh hello Detective, it's so early why are you here" ?
"Sorry I didn't call ahead of time, but can I come in" ?
"Why? What's goin on" ?
"I was actually in the neighborhood and decided I'll stop by and check on you"
"Oh wow , well thanks detective"
"How you been holding up" ?
"I've been okay, I had better days tho"
"Yeah I know it's been tough, I remember when I lost my cousin years ago, he was gunned down"
"Oh wow ,I'm so sorry to hear that"
"Yeah, but we get stronger"
Tyrone walks downstairs.
"Oh hi detective"
"Hi Tyrone I didn't know you was here" !
"Yeah , what's goin on" ?
"Oh I've only come to see how y'all was doing"
"That's very thoughtful of you detective" Tyrone said
"Do you want some tea or coffee" ? Caroline asked
"Sure thanks" she said with a smile
Caroline nods and walks in the kitchen.Tyrone sits on the couch.Detective Jones was looking all around.Her slick ass was still in detective mode.Because at the end of the day people are still dead, and the killer is still on the loose out their.She finally sits down after staring all around.
"You okay detective Jones" ? Tyrone asked
Caroline comes with some chamomile tea.
"Here you go"
"Thanks honey"
"Your welcome"
"I spoke to Christina's brother the other day"
"How is he holding up" ? Caroline asked
"He's doing much better, but he's still pretty messed up"
"Hm okay"
"Well I guess I better get going" she said
"Alright, well thanks for coming to check on us" Caroline said
"Of course, and if you have any news to tell me , you have my number"
"Yep" Tyrone said
"I'll see myself out, thanks for the tea"
"Yeah ok your welcome" Caroline said
Detective Jones smiles and walks out.Tyrone glances at Caroline.
"She was looking all around the house Caroline"
"Ugh , I knew she wasn't here just to check on us"
"Nah , she was tryna see if she can spot something"
"Yeah well she wasn't gonna find anything"
"Exactly, like ugh she so ready to find evidence and throw someone in jail, that shit is so annoying"
"Right, but she looking in the wrong direction"


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