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Timmy takes a trip to the police station.
"Hello sir how can I help you" ?
"I need to speak to Detective Jones"
"She's in her office, go ahead"
Timmy nods.He knocks on the door.
"Come in"
He walks in.
"Hi Timmy" she says with a smile
"Hi...I need to speak to you"
"Okay what's goin on" ?
"I want Justice for my sister but nobody's seems to be doing anything"
"Listen you gotta let us do our job, we're doing everything we can to find the killer"
"Ugh YALL not working hard enough"
"Timmy I promise you we are going to the find the killer"
"Well I can give you names on who I think did it"
"Caroline Anderson, Tyrone Oshay, Victoria Vee and Brandon hall"
"Wow ...I literally just spoke to them yesterday"
"Well you need to talk to them again...because they hated me and my sister"
"Why" ??
"They said we were weird and different"
"That's a bad reason to hate someone"
"Yeah well I think you should question them again, I know their hiding something and I know their in cahoots with each other"
"Well I'll bring them down to the station later on, thanks for letting me know"
Timmy nods and walks out.
"Hey Tim"
He glances back. "Im gonna find the killer"
He grins, nods and walks away.

Victoria knocks on Brandon door.He opens it.
"Hey babe what's goin on" ?
"I need to talk to you"
"That detective said I was a suspect because I was the last person to call Nikki, and now I can't leave town if I wanted to"
"Oh God are you serious" ?
"Yeah! and the stupid bitch was asking me about you and Nikki's past relationship"
"Whoa, she asked me about that too"
"Ugh she was tryna fuck us up"
"She was tryna create a motive on why I could have killed Nikki"
"Ugh the bitch did that to me too" !
Brandon shakes his head and sighs. Victoria glares at Brandon.
"But like you wasn't secretly hooking up wit her was you" ?
"No of course not babe...Ugh don't let that detective fuck wit ya head"
"Im sorry ...I just have to ask" !
"You know I'm crazy about you, me and Nikki was only friends that's it, I will never hurt you, and you know you can always trust me"
"I know I'm sorry"
"Come here baby"
Victoria walks towards Brandon, he wraps his arms around her.She glances up at him.
"I love you" he said
"I love you too" she said with a smile
Brandon grabs her face and kisses her, she kisses him back.They started feeling, rubbing and touching up on each other warm bodies as they undressed each other.Brandon picks her up and lays her down on the bed as he spreads her legs and slides in between.Both of their bodies instantly collided.Victoria moans and grips the sheets as he stroked his body in and outta hers.
"Fuck" she says softly

Caroline gets a incoming call from Detective Jones.
"Hello" ?
"I need you to come down to the station"
"Wait why? I just came, I've told you everything I know about Nikki"
"This isn't about Nikki this time, this is about Christina Cooper"

Caroline gasps.


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