12. The Attack

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3rd Person POV

For the passed few days the students are training hard to pass their limits, and Aizawa have lost count on how many times he have to call Nezu to send in more water bottles, because of the amount of water [M/N] consuming because of his training.

Like always the class have to cook their own food, but after finding out that fighting isn't the only thing the [H/C] haired male can do, he ended up becoming the classes chef.

Unfortunately, the said male wanted some form of payment. Which ended up with the class have to fight him and resulting in them getting brushes and cuts by the instrument of war known as [M/N].

Today however was different then usual because the think it will be a fun idea to have a test if courage.

"Why are we here again? In a middle of the night of all time as well."

"According to Mr. Aizawa, we're going to do the test of courage."

"Um... What is a test of courage?"

The class was shocked at what [M/N] have said.

"Well you see, a test of courage is when you go into a group of two and go into the place where a group of people will try and scare you."

"Ah, I get now."

Class 1-A then get split into groups of two, and class 1-B will be the one to try and scare them.

Because of the odd numbers of students, there will be one group with three people.

[M/N] was paired with Bakugou and Todoroki.

Once it finally their turn, they make their way to the forest.

They were walking in silence, until someone pops out of the ground that looks like the girl from is from the ring.

The three of them tensed up at the sight. They then slowly make their way passing the girl while looking at her as if she's going to make a move an attack them.

Suddenly a strange gas surrounds them.

Because of the amount of shit [M/N]'s been through from both Japan and Teyvat. He instantly cover his nose and mouth with his hand assuming the worst.

As if on queue, class B students start dropping down like flies.

At the sight, Todoroki and Bakugou then cover their nose and mouths.

"Let's go back to the clearing! The other are probably having the same problem as well, we need to informed the heroes!" [M/N] ordered.

Both of them silently agreeing with him and start trying to run back towards the clearing. Keyword; 'trying'.

The three of them somehow manage to get through the gas, but it seems that they have gone deeper into the forest.

They stop to take a breather trying to get some fresh air.

"Looks like that gas is from somebody's quirk." Bakugou stated.


"For now we should look through the forest to see if any other students are injured or not and bring them back towards the building." [M/N] ordered them once again.

An announcement was made through Mandalay's quirk that Bakugou is what the villans after.

"Bakugou, stay behind us. We have to be careful."

"I don't need both of you extras protections!!"

They then make their way through the forest, only for a villain to block their path with some kind of teeth like quirk.

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