3. Another Battle

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3rd Person POV

Two days have past since the 'USJ Incident'.

The class seems to be lively as ever its like the incident never happen in the first place.

"Everyone listen up! Homeroom is about to start!"

"Please take your seats!" Iida said gaining everyone's attention.

"Dude, we're all sitting you're the one who's not" Kirishima pointed out.

Which earn a laugh from [M/N]. "Hahaha... Don't worry comrade you'll get'em next time"

The door then opens revealing someone covered in bandages.

"Morning everyone"

"Mr. Aizawa your already back!" Almost everyone said shocked that their teacher was here, sooner then expected.

"Mr. Aizawa glad that your alright!" Iida cheered.

"Can you really call that 'alright'?" Uraraka questioned.

"It's nothing then an enough food and rest can't fix" [M/N] assured her.

"My well being doesn't matter" Aizawa replied as he walked in front of the class

"Most importantly, the fight isn't over yet."

"Fight?" Bakugou spoke up.

"Don't tell me..." Midoriya continues.

"More villains!?!" Mineta cried.

"The abyss order" [M/N] finished.

"U.A sports festival is nearing "

The class then asked if it's alright to hold an event after the 'incident' Aizawa then shut them down by saying.

"Apparently, they think of it as U.A showing their crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened by 5 times that of previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. Its not an event to be canceled because of a few villains."

'Is the sport festivals like the Windblume Festival Mondstadt held?'

'If it is I'm sure I'll ace it!'

"Of course, all the top pro heros around the country will be watching" Yaoyorozu said before added. "For scouting purpose!"

'Never mind... I really need to start watching the TV more often then went of to some ruins and opening every chest that landed on my field of sight.'

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will gained you more experience and popularity. Time is limited if you want to be a pro, then the path to your future will open at this event! One chance a year, a total of three chances. No aspiring heros can afford to miss this chance, if you understand that then don't slack off on your preparation!"

"Yes sir!" The class said in unison.

Lunch came around which means another learning session for [M/N].

"Come on [M/N]! its not that hard!"

"What do you mean 'its not hard' I tried it like a thousand times already!"

"Actually, you only try it 2 times and refuse to try it again afterwards."

"You're not helping my case here, Midoriya!!"

"You'll know how to use it in no time if you keep practicing!"

"Its not like my life depends on it Iida!! I don't need to learn or practice using chopsticks for the rest of my life!!! I can just use spoons and forks for archons sake!!"

-Time Skip-


Everyone is so excited for the sport festival.

I just hope that its about fighting. I really want to see what his comrades can really do in a battlefield.

"Wh-what's going on?" Uraraka said gaining the class attention.

"What business do you have with class A?" Iida asked politely.

"We can't get out! What'd you want with us, anyway!" Mineta asked frantically.

"Scouting out the enemy of course! You need to know who's your enemy first, their weakness, etc then the real battle begins!" I replied with a smile.

"You really know a lot of stuff when it comes to fighting, huh [M/N]?" Midoriya said.

"Well I used to duel a lot back at Teyvat soo.. ya, I know a couple of things when it comes to fighting"

"Duel?" Uraraka asked

"In Teyvat there's an event held once a year where participants can duel against other participants with process of elimination to see with one go to the next round and declared as the winner. And of course I participated." I replied getting the everyone's attention.

"Did you won?" Todoroki cuts in.

"I won all the ones I participated! Ah! I can't wait for this year's duel!" I answer with a closed eye smile.

Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida was shocked at what he said.

'How can a happy-go-lucky, childish, can't-use-chopsticks-even-if-his-life-depends-on-it type of guy won all the duels he participated' they all thought.

"Then I'll have fun beating your ass later, you childe!" Bakugou stated, as explosions erupt from his hand.

"I'll look forward to it, comrade." I replied with a smile as a dark aura surrounds me.

"I don't have time for this, move out the way extras!" Bakugou yelled a he tried to walked through the crowd in front of the classroom.

"Stop calling people 'extras' just because you don't know them!" Iida says as he starts chopping the air.

"I came to see what the famous class A was like, but you seem arrogant." A male with messy purple hair said from the crowd going to the front of the door.

"Are all the students in the hero course like this?"

"Nope! Only the pomeranian with anger issues!" I answer him.


"Seeing something like this disappoints me." He continued his monolog.

"There are quite a lot of people that enrolled in the general studies or other courses because they didn't made it to the hero course do you know that?"

"The school left those of us 'the underdogs' with a chance. Depending the results of the sports festival, they consider our transfer to the hero course."

"And it seems they may also transfer people out. Scouting the enemy? I at least came to say that even if your in the hero course, if you got too carried away I'll sweep you under your feet. I came with a declaration of war." He finished

"Oh, a declaration of war? Sweep us under our feets?" I said, clearly amused.

"Well then I accept your declaration of war."

"WHAT!?" most of the class screamed at me.

"You heard me." Getting off of my chair and walking to the purple haired male.

"I wanna see a white flag. A White flag outside your classroom by two weeks at the start of the day...

"Or your dead." [M/N] taunted him.

"Then, why don't we shake on it. Name's Hitoshi Shinsou." He said as he extended his hand for me to shake.

"Then its war, Shinsou."

Word Count : 1098 Words

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