11. The Training Camp

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We are now sitting on the bus on our way to the training camp, I'm sitting next to Shoto.

I'm sitting on the aisle seat while Shoto sits on the window seat.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Hm?" I look up from the book I was reading and look at Shoto.

"Why didn't you tell me that you already join an agency? How long were you planning on hiding it? How old were you when you join the Fatui?" Shoto asks grabbing the class attention as they were curious as well.

"Well... I have my own reasons Shoto. As for how old I was when I join them, I was 14." I answered him with a small smile.

Everyone was shocked at what I have said.

'No... He can't know what the Tsaritsa's planning... No... They can't know.'

"Wait?! You join the Fatui when you were 14?!" Midoriya gasped.

"Who cares if he join an agency at 14?! I'm still gonna surpass him and become number 1!! Watch me!!" Bakugou yelled.

"I like to see you try." I taunted him.

"Hey [M/N], what's the name of the book you're reading? I've never seen it before. *Ribbit*" Asui asked me looking at the book in my hand.

"Oh, its called 'Legend of the Shattered Halberd' its really interesting book if I do say so myself."

"I've never heard of that book before. Where did you get it?" Yaoyorozu cuts in.

"That's because this book is from Teyvat, Liyue to be exact. I don't know if the other nations have it or not."

The bus then came to a stop at a cliff.

'Why did we stop at a cliff?'

"Alright everyone off the bus, stretch your legs." Aizawa said getting out of the bus, afterwards we start to get of the bus.

Then I see two people with... cat costumes?

"We're the wild wild pussycats!" They yelled in unison, Midoriya start his famous fanboying again. I meanwhile give them a confused face.

'The wild what now?'

Next thing I know the ground below us starts shaking then me and the rest of the class got thrown of the cliff. I reach fast and start to surfed down the cliff.

Once I made it to the bottom I saw the class recovering from the fall.

"You guys didn't catch your own fall?"

"We don't have your reflex [L/N], we don't have the reflex of a pro." Jiro commented.

"Yet." I added.

Then Mineta come running into the forest in font of us only to be stop by a... Stonehide Lawachurls?

Everyone was shock by the monster sudden appearance, then something when through it creating a hole on its body.

They look at behind them to see what when through that thing, only to see me with my bow ready to fire another wave arrow.

"What are you all doing just standing there? The moment you saw an enemy you must attack them immediately, don't give them an opening!"

"Theres probably more of them in this forest, split up to different groups! That way we can get to the center of it much faster!" I ordered them.

They seem to be shocked at what I had said.

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