4. The Sports Festival War

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Two weeks have past since the declaration of war I accepted.

Everyone has been training for the big day or what I like to call 'war'.

They told us to put on our PE uniforms and to wait at the waiting room.

But before that, I walked to Shinsou's classroom.

Only to find no sight of a white flag.

I then walked into the waiting room to see everyone at class 1-A already there.

Most of all them look at me with a concern on their faces.

"What's with that look?"

"[M/N]... Are you really.... Going to 'war' with him?" Midoriya asked with hesitation on his voice.

"Welllll..... I didn't see a white flag in front of their class."

"So yes, I am." I stared at him with a stoic expression.

"Midoriya" Todoroki approaches us.

"From my perspective, I think it save for me to say that I'm stronger than you." He continues.

"Not only that, you also got All might at your side. I'm not trying to pry on what's going on between you two but just so you know I'll beat you."

The atmosphere in the room changed drastically until I decide to break the ice.

"Aww~ Did you just declared another war?"

"Yes, I am and I'm declaring it to everyone here." Todoroki respond glaring at me.

"Even to me? Your dear cousin?"

They were shocked at the new information.

"Y-you guys are c-c-cousins?!" Midoriya stuttered.

"Yes, we are. Our mothers are sisters which makes us cousins." Todoroki replied to him.

"Well, we're more like distant cousins me being in Snezhnaya and all."

"Then my answers the same as yesterday. 'I accept your declaration of war'".

-Time Skip-


After Present Mic introduce the classes. Ms. Midnight appeared in the middle of the stadium with an r-rated costume.

"Now for the introductory speech!" Ms. Midnight started.

"What in Teyvat's name is she wearing?" I asked.

"That's the r-rated hero for you." Kaminari answered.

Chatter and murmurs erupt because of the r-rated hero presence in the stadium, some being respectful by keeping their gaze to the ground some however.....

"Silence, everyone!" She spoke up. "And now for the students pledge we have, Katsuki Bakugou from class 1-A!"

"You have got to be kidding me." I deadpanned. Bakugou then starts his pledge.

"I'm just gonna say, I'm gonna win."




Everyone start to yell and shout at him.

An irk mark appeared on my forehead, but I hide it with a closed eye smile.

"You look mad [L/N]." Kirishima pointed out.

"The first step to any murder is to have fun and be yourself! Oh dear comrade...

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