13. I'm So Sorry

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[Note : Since Childe have does dead look on his eyes. I decided to put in why he have does eyes.]

3rd Person POV

[M/N] wakes up on a hospital bed an IV attached to his arm.

He sits up on the bed, looking at his hands. An image of his hands covered in blood flashes on his mind.

"Your finally awake."

[M/N] look at where that voice came from and see Aizawa standing in front of his bed with Nezu on his scarf and police officers behind them.

"The villain's body had lost its original form, and because of that we can't identify them." Aizawa started.

"Now, I want you to tell us. Who are them? Why did you do it?"

"Fine, I'll tell you."


Come on [M/N]!"

"[F/N], you know that I can't fight." [Friend Name]

Two boys not older then 8 are holding a wooden sword 'dueling' against each other.

"Come on [M/N], didn't you say you want to protect your family and siblings?"

"Y-yeah, I-I did."

"Then come on! You have to keep training so you can protect them!" The boy with white hair trying to motivate his friend.

"But I rather sit under a tree and read a book." The boy with [H/C] haired whined.

"But theres not many books in the library, plus didn't you already read nearly the whole books in the library."

"B-but the Fatuis are trying to bring the people of Snezhnaya a greater future!"

"Yeah, our goddess is really kind. Creating the Fatui to bring a greater future for her people"

The two boys are really close friends, they known each other since they were little and became inseparable.


"Happy Birthday [M/N]! Here's my present! Sorry its not wrap."

The said male gasp as his [E/C] eyes lit up.

"Its a 6 volume book I manage to get my hands on. Its called 'Legend of the Shattered Halberd."

[M/N] hugs his friend, thanking him over and over.


The atmosphere is tense.

[F/N]'s childish friend have a stoic expression on his face, while bandaging his arm.

"I'm not mad." [M/N] decided to break the ice.

"I-I just don't want you to get hurt."

[F/N] smiled at his friend as the gaze of his blue eyes soften.

"I'm fine [N/N]! I'm stronger then I look you know."

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