9. Back To Work

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3rd Person POV

After [M/N] arrived at Liyue he decided to walk around, see what he had miss during his time in U.A in his 'hero costume'.

Everything seems exactly the same, then he spotted an old lady selling toys.

He approach the old lady and see the variety of toys she's selling.

"Hello, young man. Would you like to buy some?" She asked with a soft voice.

[M/N] then grab a kite and examined it.

'They will love this, theres not many toys at Snezhnaya to begin with.' He smile at the thought.

"I'll take these kites, can you please wrap it? I want to give it to someone."

"Of course dear."

After its done being wrap, he pays the amount needed and carry on with his walk around the Harbor.

On his walk he buyed some snacks for his family and some herbs for his Father's headaches, then he sends all of them to his family at Snezhnaya.

"Childe. Theirs work for you." A fatui member approach him.

"And that is?"

"There's a teahouse that borrowed 5 thousand mora from the Northland Bank and haven't payed since."

"So, you want me to be the debt collector? Aren't their already an agent that do that?"

"Yes, unfortunately the agent aren't able to make them pay their debt. Don't worry, their shop is located near here in Liyue you won't be long."

"Fine, I'll do it."

He then heads off to the teahouse.


I finally found the teahouse.

The teahouse have a sign above the door written 'Yangshan teahouse'.

I was about to knock at the door, but the door opens revealing a young woman.

"Hello there, sorry but we're closing."

"Oh, but I'm not here for that."

"Then wh-"

"I'm here on the behalf of the Fatui, I heard that this little teahouse owes us a handful of mora. I'm here to collect that is what you owe." I explain with a closed eye smile.

She opens her mouth to say something but got cut off by a middle aged man.

"Who is that at the door!? Didn't they know we're already closed?!" He yelled in frustration.

"Well master he's-" I cut her off

"I heard this little teahouse of your owes us the Fatui a handful of mora. I'm here to collect that."

"The Fatui?! We don't owe you anything?! Get out of this residence now?!"

I was about to say something only to have the door close at my face.

"Well looks like we have to do this the hard way."

-Time Skip-

3rd Person POV

Its now midnight and the shops are already closed, only the Wanshen teahouse still have their lights on.

"Hehe, excellent. Even if one day we can't continue business here, we can make it far away with this."

"But master, what about... the debt?"

"Oh yes, I'm here to collect that." A voice interrupted them.

The voice belonging to [M/N] thats sitting on one of the chairs a shadow casting over him.

"Who's there?!"

"Quick, guards! Protect the master!"

"No matter what it is you owe, you can't run away from your debt."

"Is that not the law of the God Of Contracts in Liyue?" [M/N] continues.

"F-fatui?! Hmph... You can't just barge into a private residence!"

"Guards! Show him how we treat unwelcome guests at Yangshan teahouse!" He ordered them.

Two guards then get into a fighting stance ready to fight [M/N].

"Huh, not much for adversaries." He summons his water blades.

"Well, I could use a bit of exercise." [M/N] getting on a fighting stance of his own.

He then fights the two guards ending the fight with swift and quick movements.

[M/N] then walks out of the teahouse with the debt they owe and with something else.

"I never would of thought that an ordinary person had a Sigil Of Permission in their possession. Its been years since anyone has seen one of these..." The agent explained.

"Your job is debt collecting, yet you failed to check what treasures he possessed that you might collect?" [M/N] question the agent.

"Apologies, a dereliction of my duty..."

"Enough, let's go"

"Yes sir."

The two then make their way to the Northland Bank.

Days have past since then. [M/N] so far have been doing debt collecting, clearing out monsters near the Harbor, and missions the 5th harbringer's giving him.

Now his 'patrolling' around the Harbor.

"Hey Childe, what are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't you be at Musutafu? Your presence is not needed here. We can handle things on our own."

[M/N] turn his head to the voice seeing two fatui agents, then walked towards them.

"Look I might not be a harbringer, nor do I agree on what the Fatui ways of doing things."

[M/N] then sends them an intimidating look.

"But I'm still a member of the Fatui and a rank below the harbringers, so you better to show me your superior some respect."

He left them on their own as he continue his patrol around the Harbor.

-Time Skip-


A week have finally pass, I am now at the Harbor wearing my school uniform waiting for the boat.

"Aboard the boat to Masutafu-Japan."

I quickly grab my stuff and Boarded the ship.

After a very long boat ride the musutafu's port finally came to view.

When the boat came to a stop I grab my belongings and exited the boat, I was greeted by Mr. Aizawa.

"Hello Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here?" I question him.

"The school makes me pick you up and drop you at your apartment." He answered.

"But can't I just order a cap?" I replied.

"Considering your habits of causing chaos everywhere you travel the school decided to do this, so we can prevent or at least minimize the chances of that happening."

"Ouch, you guys wound me. And I don't always cause chaos everywhere I decided to travel."

I put my belongings in the trunk then get into the back seat of the car.

The ride was quite but it was peaceful, then my mind wanders to the things the two agents said to me.

'Just you wait. I will become stronger, sooner or later I'll even become one of the harbringers.' I look outside the window with a determined face.

Word Count : 1071 Words

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