10. Coming out Pt 3. (last part <3)

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TWs: Mentions of abuse, Hospital, Blood

last part of the coming out saga i promise <3 <3 anyways enjoy some not as bad angst lol :L

(short chapter sorry)

(Tommy POV)

"Doc, they're awake." I said, smiling.

The doctor walked over to us and took their temperature and gave them some sort of weird blue medicine. They left, leaving us with the sick and injured teenager. 

"You feeling better?.." I asked 
"Tommy, I've been here for what, 3 hours? How would that change anything.." He said, half jokingly.
"Oh, right. I guess I just want you back to normal.." 

Their whole situation made me very upset. Especially how much pain they were in. It hurt me, mentally, and all I wanted was for them to be okay. For all of us to be okay. 
I want all of us to be happy.
Everything to go back to normal.

I've known them for two weeks, but it feels like two years.
I want to protect them with my heart and soul.
I don't want to see them like this again.
(A/N: platonic.)

And certainly I don't give a FUCK if anyone says "tHiS iSn'T yOu. YoU aReN't NiCe MiMiMimImiMIIMi" because it sure as hell is me. 
It will be forever.
Protecting my friends doesn't mean it isn't me.

"Hey Toms? You okay?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Just thinking."
"Oh okay. You've been looking at a wall for like- 10 minutes. Just making sure."
"Yep, all good."

time skip one week :)

(Ranboo POV)

The doctors said that today if nothing went wrong I could go home. Finally!

"Hello, erm, Mark? Or- Ranboo?"
I nodded.
"It seems that since your mother was arrested, you no longer have a legal guardian. This means you will either have to go into the adoption system, or the blonde man with the family that keeps visiting will have to adopt you. When you have an answer, please let me know."
The doctor left, and Phil entered.

"Hey Ranboo, how are you feeling?" He asked.
"A bit stressed, not going to lie. Some doctor person just came in and said that I will probably be going into the adoption system after I am released."

I didn't want to tell Phil that he would have to adopt me to prevent that. I didn't want to seem needy or attention seeking. I don't want to pressure Phil to adopt me.

"Oh no, mate. I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I don't know, you'd have to ask them, I guess."
"I will, be back soon." He smiled, then left the room.

I guess I didn't have to ask him, he just is going to find it out himself. If I do get adopted by Phil, I don't know what I'd do.
Don't get me wrong, he's amazing, it's just...
I don't want to bother him. I don't want to get in his way. Him adopting me would make me just be a burden to him. That's the last thing I want. 

He came back in with a stack of papers.
"Hey, can you sign this?"

WELP CLAP. that's the chapter for today. sorry, very smol, i just had to drive the plot a bit. plus, i'm at a bit of a writer's block atm so, sorry again. ;-;

have a great day, drink water, eat, sleep, do whatever you need to do. i love you, and you're valid. bye!! <3

- 560 words :)

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