11. Adoption Papers

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TWs: Hospitals

(Philza POV)

I felt terrible. Tommy and Tubbo really cared for Ranboo, and it would be horrible if they got separated. Not to mention that there are so many people who are just adopting children because of the money they get out of it.  The last thing I want is for Ranboo to get hurt again. 

"Uhh, hey. I am with Mark, or Ranboo, and they were talking about adoption stuff and how they might go in the center once released. Do you think I can get those papers? I think I want to adopt them."
"Okay sir. I assume the others that come visit are yours, are you sure?"
"Yes, I am. And they are indeed."

"Alright you are going to have to go up to the front desk on the left wing and talk to the person running it. They are going to ask you some final questions to make sure you are eligible to adopt them and then they'll give you the papers. Got it?"
I nodded.

Shortly enough I found where I would get the papers.
"Erm.. Hello, I am here to adopt someone? Ranboo, or Mark specifically. I was told to come here."
"Yes.. yes. Alright, I am going to ask you a few question, is that alright with you, sir?"
"That is fine, whatever it takes."

After the person asked me everything they needed to, they handed me the papers and I went back to Ranboo's room. I scanned them over before heading inside and asking them to sign a few things.

"Hey, can you sign this?"
I handed them a few papers and pointed where they should sign.

"I- I- I- W-Wh-What-? Ph-Phil!" They stammered.

"I'm adopting you!"

(Ranboo POV)

"I'm adopting you!"


"Yeah! I don't want you to be left with anyone horrible or potentially horrible again."

Before I knew it, the tears started coming down.
"You d-didn't have to..." I sniffled.
"It's okay, Ranboo! It's no problem." Phil smiled.

He wiped my tears and we signed the papers, for the most part. Then, Tommy ran in and Phil left to go finish filling in the papers.

"RANBOO!! Hellooooo Ranbooo!!"
"Hey Tommy!"
"Ranboo! I heard we were adopting you!!"
"From where exactly..?"
"Tubbo may have eavesdropped, but that's besides the point! You're going to be our brother!"
"I mean yeah, true!"

Tommy ran over to me and hugged me gently.
"I'm so excited!!" He exclaimed.
Tubbo ran over to us, Wilbur and somebody with pink hair following.

"Hey Ranboo! We're glad that we're adopting you, and taking you in as our brother, err, or sibling, whatever you prefer." Wilbur smiled.
"Oh yeah! it's which ever you want, Boo. Brother, sibling, sister, any of them." Tubbo chimed in.
"Mhhh. And we will probably be leaving soon to go get your room all ready for you. You're coming back with us tomorrow. Also, I don't think I properly introduced myself, I'm Techno." He said, in a monotone voice.

I smiled at the family, and all of them but Techno came in for a hug. Wilbur and Tubbo motioned him over, and eventually came over.
They hugged me for like 3 minutes, until Will noticed I was sort of uncomfortable / on pain. Don't get me wrong, I love them and I love giving them hugs but my arms still really hurt. All the people hugging me made it hurt more.

"Guys, we should give them some space." Wilbur said, obviously worried.
"S-sorry...." I said. 
"Everything okay?" Tommy asked.
I motioned to my arm, and all of them nodded.

Phil came back in with the papers all fully signed.
"Okay, so the thing is, you have to stay here overnight tonight and tomorrow we will come back and get you. I have to drop off these papers anyways so it works out. That okay?"
"Y-yeah.. thanks again."
"It's no problem, mate!"

WOOOOOOOO GOING PAST MY WRITERS BLOCK!!! hope you guys liked this one, it probably wasn't too good, and I'm sorry for that.

have a great day, stay safe, drink water, sleep, do whatever you need to do. i love you and i support you forever <3

also here.

the beloved

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the beloved.

- 704 words :)

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