14. Pictures. (half filler)

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(half filler chapter, also shorter <3)
((also holy shit thanks for 2k reads ily /p))

(Ranboo POV)

Once I finished with my dinner, I headed upstairs, back to my room. I grabbed the camera that was still stood on the photo album and slumped down onto my new, comfortable bed.

'Mother' never really had much money that she actually spent on me. Every month she gave me $200 to just survive on my own. I would usually just buy Monster Energy (shocker.), some food and drinks, and depending on the month, some new thing for my room or some new clothes.

Since she never gave me an actual bed, for 3 months I had to save up just to buy one. She's been doing the whole '$200 a month' thing for 3 years. It sucks, but at least before she went all crazy I got my share for the month.

She always left for trips and shit but never took me once, so she gave me money. No complaints though, always hated her.

I fixated my attention to the camera I held in my hand. I noticed a little yellow crown on the bottom on it, which was a toned down color with 3 little dots, symbolizing jewels, 2 green and 1 red.

On the buttons, there were little smiley faces, and the flash of the camera is pink.

I took a picture of the gaming chair that sat at the desk. The desk had 3 monitors, like some of the other desks in the house. The chair, however, was colored pink, cyan, purple, and white with gray parts, like like the armrests and wheels.

With the pink flash and the purple LEDs, the room looked so much brighter and happier than how it felt to be in. In the corner of the photo, a vinyl of "Nature Tapes" showed.

I went over and grabbed my photo album. Once the picture was fully done processing, I put it into the album. After, I went back over to my bed and took a picture of myself just laying on top, then hung it right next to the family one.

"Honestly, I want to fill this entire wall with these little pictures that I take." I mumble, not noticing the door opening.

"Ranboo?" A deep-ish voice said.
"Oh, hey Wil! What's up?"
"Nothing, but Phil told me to tell you that tomorrow we are heading over to the clothing store."
"Oh alright!" I nodded.

He left, and I checked the time.
11:27 P.M
I got changed into my pajamas, one of the only things that the police actually gave me.

I woke up to somebody jumping onto my bed, and landing next to me.

"What the hell duuude....." I said, voice raspy.
"Sorry Boo, it's 10:00 A.M and Dadza wants you to come eat so we can go get you new clothes!" Tubbo said, both sympathetic and excited.
"It's okay Bee, tell Phil I'll be down in 5 minutes."
They nodded, and left.

I got changed into one of my collar shirts and old sweaters with a pair of jeans and my old Converses. The police only gave me 2 sweaters, my converses, 3 graphic t-shirts, and a pair of jeans. They really didn't let me have anything.

I went down to where the rest of the family was, and Phil motioned me to sit down.

SORRY! I had to cut it short, writer's block. how have you guys been? :D

anyways, hopefully a new chapter later if I get ideas.

have a great day, stay safe, drink water, eat, sleep, do whatever you need to do :]

ily and you're worth everything and more <3

- 609 words :)

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