Chapter 10

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"Hi there. Nice day isn't it?" I say before shoving the rest of the chocolate in my mouth.

"Y/n. We said no more sweets, you won't sleep tonight!" Nat says walking towards me.

"And? I don't need sleep!" I say in response.

"Liar." Peter says from the ceiling.

"Wait What?!- Fuck. How long have you been here?!" I say with nat towering over me.

"Wanda find the sweets." Nat says checking my pockets

When Wanda has searched my room and unsuccessfully found no sweets I smirk.

"don't make Wanda read your mind
y/n." Nat says with a warning tone whilst crossing her arms.

I say nothing and stick my tongue out.

Nat sighs " Wanda?" Wanda nods and goes to read my mind so I block her.

"How?" She says confused.

"What?" Nat says looking over to wanda.

"I can't read her mind, It's all blank!" Wanda says trying again.

"Ha! I win." I say tackling nat and bringing her to the floor.
I sit ontop of her holding her arms above her head.

"Y/n. Tell us where you hid them." Nat says with a warning tone.

"And if I don't?-" I say before nat gets out of my grip and switches us.

"Oh for fucks sake-" I say getting interrupted

"Language! There is a child here y/n Stark." Peter exclaims "her sweets are in a box under her bed." Peter says proudly.

I Gasp " Peter! You evil backstabbing!-"
Before I finish I get interrupted by nat.

"Y/n." She says slightly angrily.

I Say nothing and just look away.
I'm giving them the silent treatment.

As Nat & Wanda find my Box of sweets I just lay on the floor currled up in a ball sulking.

Nat walks out with my box to hide them away from me as wanda sits on the floor across from me.

Wanda's Pov

"Y/nnn." I say edging closer
She stays silent and just becomes more defensive.

"Are you actually mad?" I ask waiting for a reply.

"Probably" Peter says still on the ceiling

"Can you let me talk to her alone please?" I ask looking at Peter

He nods and gets off the ceiling and leaves.

"Please talk y/n" I say softly

She shakes her head and mutters
"Go away."

I let out a small sigh "I'm sorry y/n, but you need proper food." I then get up from the floor.

"Nat and I will make dinner, you know where to find us.." I say before walking out I glance back but she's still currled up in a ball.

Y/n's Pov

After Wanda leaves I try get up but I quickly fall back to the ground as my head is spinning I then just lay on the floor as my vision blacks out.

WandaNat X Y/n Stark DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now