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It was your average gorgeous day at Camp half Blood, and the sun was beating down on my tanned shoulders. It took me a while to bcome comfortable with the scars that now litter my entire body from Tartarus, but Annabeth had taught me to love them. They are a sign of our strength and our bravery, that we survived. Small waves tickled my toes as I pulled Annabeth closer to me as she grumbled in protest when a shadow fell over us both. Opening one eye I peer lazily up at the small latino boy standing over us, as per usual covered head to toe in engine grease and singe marks. "Whats up Leo?" I asked him, laying back down on the sand, a groan of contentment escaping my lips. Everything had been so peaceful since we had defeated Gaea, no profecies, well, there were minor ones like when Apollo threw a fit because he couldn't find his favorite pair of socks and demanded that I came all the way up to Olympus to come find them. Naturally, they were thrown behind a desk in his room. Gods ... Apart from that I had spent my whole summer in complete bliss with my Wise Girl. the best part was that since going, well, there, Chiron had allowed Annabeth to stay in my cabin, so I had gotten a double bed so she could move in with me. We still got the horrific nightmares every night, but with the soundproofing we had got in the walls for the rest of the camps sake, we were ok on our own. Naturally Athena took the soundproofing COMPLETELY the wrong way, and I was left trembling at the feet of an incredibly angry godess while my father did Jack Shite to help me, but instead was clutching he stomach laughing and rolling on the floor in the middle of the throne room in front of all the other Gods and Godesses who were going bright red from trying not to chuckle.

My thoughts were broken by a loud cough from above me, startled I leapt to my feet, Riptide already in sword form at the throat of our 'attacker'. Instead of seeing a Chirmera or Dracaena I was met with a wide eyed Leo. Gulping while slowly moving the tip of my sword away from his exposed neck he chuckled "Easy buddy, all I was saying is that Chiron wants you in the Big House with Thalia and Nico pronto, now please don't kill me! I only just came back from the dead if you hadn't noticed" he announced while smiling and almost skipping off, probably to see Calypso. A small frown crossed my features, and I turned to Annabeth "Why do you think Chiron wants to see us ?" All of the big three being summoned at one time had to be because of something important, and frankly I didn't want to know. I had done my part and in my eyes had earned this rest. Annabeth unburied her head from her book and sighed, "it sounds like another quest to me" Sadness was clear in her eyes. Kissing he gently on the lips, I said to her "Don't worry Wise Girl, I wont be leaving you any time soon. Chiron can't separate us anyway" That brought a smile to her face, and she seemed more lively when she got up. "C'mon then! Don't want old Seaweed Brain to keep everyone waiting. As Usual" she said with a giggle. I smile up at her, sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am to have her, she is so beautiful inside and out, it physically hurts me to be away from her.

As I push open the door to the Big house, I can instantly tell something is wrong. Nico and Thalia's normally smiley faces were gloomy, and even Nico's skin looked abnormally pale. And that is most definetly saying something. "Hey guys!" I said as brightly and nonchalantly as I could, while grabbing a few cheetos on my way over to them, although i'm sure they could sense my panic, being my cousins and all. "Whats goin on?" Just as the words cam out of my mouth, Chiron trotted into the room, in horse form. "Ah, Percy my boy! Good to see you!, I have already told the other two, but i'm afraid that you're not going to like this" I clench my jaw tightly fearing the worst. "Go ahead" I say slowly after a few seconds debating. "Right," says Chiron, looking mildly concerned, probably for his health if this has anything to do with Annabeth. "There are a few things that you don't know about yet. And before I start, you need to know something. This quest is compulsory, and ordered directly by Hecate directly to you three. Now, what do you all know of wizards ...?"

Half an hour later I was storming out of the Big House, drawing attention to myself from all of the surrounding Demigods at camp, "I REFUSE TO DO THIS FOR THEM CHIRON!" I roared in anger. What he had just told us was preposterous. In my anger, all the water in the camp started to boil and shudder, something I had learnt to do after we had beaten Gaea, I could say it was when I was in some dire situation and I saved a whole load of people, but really it was when I left my bath for too long and it went cold, and I decided to try it out, and 'Hey Presto!' it worked. Wait, stupid ADHD i'm angry remember! "Now Percy," Chiron said gently, approaching me slowly "You know that none of us have any choice in the matter" This just made me fume even more, and trying to restrain myself and not frighten the younger campers, I quieten my voice, but judging by the expressions on their faces, i'm pretty sure it had the opposite effect, "I refuse to leave her" I inhale deeply throgh my nose "Especially not for an ENTIRE YEAR!" Annabeth caught my eye through the crowds, and she pushed towards me and Chiron and placed her hands on the sides of my face before I evaporated the whole of the lake. "Now" she said gently "Calm down and tell me whats wrong" A small whimper escaped me, and I let the fear and anger wash over my face clear as day. Why did we even need to do this? leave Annabeth, for a WHOLE YEAR to babysit some kid? a Wizard at that! why can't his own kind do that? Oh Hades, the more I think about it the angrier I get, Annabeth slapped my face gently to get my attention back on her, and away from the slightly steaming lake. I look down at the ground, not trusting myself to see her reaction to the news "The Gods have ordered Thalia, Nico and I to go to England and look after a Wizard named Henry Potter or something" She cocked her head at me wondering what the fuss was about "That bit is ok, but Wise Girl, I have to stay for the entire year" I swear that her stormy eyes grey even darker and she turned to Chiron "Is this true" He gulped loudly "Yes, But Annabeth you must-" She immediately ran up to him, eyes blazing "How could you! How could you do this to us, after all we've been through you should understand the most!" Chiron sighed loudly as Annabeth broke down into tears. He motioned me over to comfort her. This was going to be a tough year.


How was the first chapter ?? I'm going to try write more when I can, and i'm gonna do some of Harry's POV !! Hope you like and VOTE and COMMENT xxx <3 <3 <3

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