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It was getting harder to resist. That voice... calling me to do terrible things. Horrible things even. I had been sure it was just my conscience or something, but the stuff I suddenly had the urge to do was not like me at all. Something was very, very wrong. It had been almost a month since Hermione had figured out what was so different about the Americans, it was ridiculous but it explained everything, the scars, the names, it even explained the faint screams and sobs that we heard at night. At first we had not said anything to anyone, just kept our distance and tried to figure out if we belonged in an insane asylum or not. The past few weeks we had started to make a list of all the odd things that they had done or were now doing, and compiled it into one large piece of parchment and then compared it to the book Harry and Hermione had found on that first day. Everything added up now, we had snuck away one of Annabeth's Herbology books seeing as she had not attended any of our classes lately, only to discover that it was indeed written in Ancient Greek.

I was broken out of my thoughts by the sound of a heavy old wooden door opening, signalling that we had reached Transfiguration. I walked in with Harry and Hermione, who, even though I still had this controlling obsession over Annabeth, was seeming even more beautiful each time I laid eyes on her. I walked into the large room, but noticed that it looked a little fuller than normal, which was odd because this class was for the students re-taking their last year, and there was not an exactly huge number of us. McGonagall cleared her throat, and began to speak. "Afternoon students, firstly, I would like to congratulate you all on making it to the end of term, and working so hard in this class" Everyone's ears were trained firmly on the professors speech, the lilting Scottish accent causing a few unfamiliar chuckles at the back of the room. I turned around just in time to see a small, yet lithely muscled latino boy whisper something to a blonde, regal looking man with cropped hair and a small scar cutting across his top lip. It sounded something like 'Female Gerard Butler' followed by a few chuckles by all of the back row. I knew only three of them: There was Percy, leaning back casually in his chair occasionally biting his pencil then jumping back from it as if he had been shocked. Next to him was Thalia who was glaring at Percy whenever he put the odd muggle writing instrument anywhere near his mouth, so I'm guessing that she had lent it to him and was not overly pleased that he had decided to act like a teething toddler - unable to keep it away from his mouth. Beside Thalia was the last of the exchange students I had seen before today, Nico Di Angelo. Nico seemed to be deep in conversation with a girl with caramel hair and dark skin, but when her eyes flicked up for a moment, I was met the the most dazzling shade of gold. That seemed to be a common trait between all of these students, they all have the most incredible eyes. That must mean they are all... Different. I was busy staring at that girls eyes, when I felt a piercing glare on the side of my face I shifted my gaze to be met with a very angry looking Chinese man, who sort of looked like a body builder with the buzz cut and all the muscles he was sporting underneath his purple shirt, with four large golden letters printed onto it, 'SPQR' with more golden laurel leaves stamped underneath that. All in all it was very garish and something told me not to trust him. When I saw his had clasped beneath the desk with the dark haired girl, I understood why he had been glaring He thought I was trying to hit on his girl... That explains a lot. Moving on from him was a stunning girl. She had this silky smooth, albeit choppy and braided chocolate coloured hair, with darkish skin, like she had native roots. But again with the eyes! hers were a mix of several different colours, like they could't quite choose which they wanted to be. I must say, they were incredible. They should be added as the eighth wonder of the modern world. But typical, yet again she was holding hands with the guy with blonde hair, who was still laughing with the Latino. How rude.

"So in celebration, today we are going to be doing something special. We are going to- Mr Weasly! I must insist that you please stop drooling over our guests and concentrate. If you are that interested they will introduce themselves after I have explained todays activities" I quickly turned my focus back to the professor, my face feeling very hot when I heard yet more chuckles. "Right then, much better. Today, for a bit of fun, you are going to say the spell 'Bestia Spiritus' This is going to transfigure you into the animal to which you most identify. To do this, we are going to move outside the class, as I have a feeling it might get a bit cramped and we have just remodelled... Follow me!" McGonagall consequently marched out of the room, and I was about to follow when a stream of people darted past me with dancer like grace and raced out of the room faster thank I could blink. Slowly looking back at Hermione and Harry, who looked just about as shocked as I did, I shook my head and plodded out towards the grounds.

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