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I walked into the Great Hall triumphantly. I finally had some dirt on the Jackson kid. I had caught him. Finally, I had something that would kick his smug little backside out of my life forever.

I had been walking down to Hagrids in a foul mood, from when Dumbledore had just apparated me away from Ron and Percy fighting, when a blur of black hurtled down the hill, sparking as it went. It hit the ground a few times, then bounced into the lake like a skipping stone. Quickly throwing on my invisibility cloak, I cautiously went to the waters edge. No point going in, that fall would have killed anyone. So, I sort of just stood awkwardly by the lake, not really sure of what I was supposed to be doing. It had been a good hour, and nothing had happened. I was starting to think I was being ridiculous when I saw something strange, Annabeth came jogging down the hill, and quickly looked around her before kneeling down by the water. What the hell is she doing...? I watched closely, not really sure of what to do, so, I just sat back and relaxed. "Percy?" Oh, yeah, now she's gone crazy and is talking to the lake. Joy... "Please don't be dead Perce," She muttered before adding angrily "Or I'm gonna come down to Elysium and make your afterlife hell for dying on me" What the bloody hell is this girl on about? and where the hell is Elysium? I'm going to have to get Hermione to do some research. It was official, I was right. These people are not normal! I was almost certain when a large cloud of bubbles rose to the surface of the lake, Crap! That must be the giant Squid! OR the creepy ass Mermaid people! I was just rushing forwards to grab her when a mop of dark hair rose to the surface, followed by tan skin and green eyes that were... Hang on! They look like they're moving... What are these people? Annabeth let out a rush of breath and enclosed him in a bone crushing hug. That was when I realised something. Percy wasn't wet... He walked out of the lake slowly with the help of Annabeth, and he reached down and lifted his charred shirt over his head. He took long enough putting on a borrowed jumper from Annabeth for me to see the long ragged scars and brands that littered his back and torso. They looked like some of them were from a sort of cult! a Gaea person I think, and something about Gods falling... I snapped a picture with a special muggle phone I had been given by Sirius, who had said it would work even inside Hogwarts, then quickly pocketed the phone again, trying not to linger on what I had just witnessed. The school deserves to know this! And it is going to be very fun... I thought with glee, and I had to resist the urge to squeal and do a happy dance as I made my way back to the castle.


I wasn't feeling great to be perfectly truthful. Every bone in my body ached like I had been slammed repeatedly into a block of concrete, which I guess I had. My brain was a bit mushy and I couldn't really think straight, all I wanted right now is to eat in peace, then go to bed with my Wise Girl.

Dinner was going smoothly, I hadn't lost even a bit of my appetite, Go figures... I was currently devouring some steak with fries, and a blue coke I had made with a spell that Annabeth had looked up for me. I was about to stand up from the table but, as luck has it a loud "Tut Tut Tut" noise echoed from the entrance of the hall. Holy Hephaestus! This kid just doesn't quit does he? I plastered on my best fake smile, which probably made me look like I have cronic constipation or something "Hey Harry, What can I do for you this... Fine evening?" All the students cleared a path for Harry as he walked down the aisle in the middle of the room towards me and Annabeth, who stood protectively at my side, her hand hovering over the handle of her hidden dagger, which was strapped to the outside of her upper thigh. Harry grinned devilishly. By now Thalia and Nico were also at my sides. "Oh, I don't need you to do anything for me, though, its is a terribly kind offer" I gritted my teeth. I hated being controlled. Even the Gods had a tough time, and this guy was not even in the same spectrum. Thalia and Nico stepped forwards, a sort of offensive stance. Harry just laughed. "Aw, look how cute they are!" His eyes glinted menacingly "The Goths, the Princess and the Coward," He put his hands up in mock defence "Oh no! Please don't hurt me!" He laughed again, as I bit the inside of my cheek hard, and a metallic taste flood my mouth. I clap my eyes shut, praying that they wouldn't move. I silently prayed to my father, 'Dad, help me out. I really don't want to end up cutting him up so bad he looks like he's been pushed through a cheese grater the wrong way...' I could tell Thalia was about to loose it. Judging by the way she was trembling with anger, I would say that Harry would look like a new species of porcupine in the next minute and a half unless I intervened. Wobbling slightly, I stood up to my full height and stepped forward to meet him. "Just say, what you want to damn well say Potter. But I am warning you here and now, mess with my family and I will make you regret the day you were born" I glanced over at my cousins and girlfriend, who were glowing with pride "And they probably will too" Harry shifted on his feet and cleared his throat, before looking at me again and stating very loudly to the entire school, "THESE 'EXCHANGE STUDENTS ARE NOT HUMAN!" A hush settled over the entire school, and even the Professors looked incredibly uncomfortable. I laugh loudly at him. "Oh, I'm so sorry, did I forget to cover up my third eye?" I swirled around to Annabeth wiggling an eyebrow at her, "Oh darling!" I exclaimed loudly "I must say your scales are looking delightful today, have you started using a new polish?" I strutted over to Nico and Thalia, and ruffled their hair dramatically. "Guys! your horns are really starting to show now! I'm so proud" Thalia death stared me while trying not to smile. "Jackson, I can still kick your butt whenever I want to, just you remember that" By now the whole school was howling with laughter and Harry was beat red and stuttering. He looked to Dumbledore for some backup, and then for Ron and Hermione, but Ron was still unconscious in the sick bay, and Hermione was with him. Dumbledore looked at me knowingly with a small smile, his eyes twinkling with good humour. I gave him one of my lopsided grins and strutted over to Harry.

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