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When Percy had gone and sprinted off to get breakfast like the world was ending, just because I had felt a little peckish, I laughed silently to myself. Percy was already the perfect fiancé, and was literally looking after me better than anyone had in my whole life. Even though I loved him tonnes, I felt like I did need some time to bond with Luke, and I already felt awful that I missed his first few hours just because I was a little sleepy. Okay make that shattered, but still, I wanted to get to know him and what sort of person he was. It was still odd to think that Percy and I had created a whole new person, with his own personality and individuality. The love I already felt for him was unfathomable, and I knew he was going to be powerful. I don't think that there has ever been a union between an offspring of Athena and Poseidon, so this was going to be a first for us all. I knew that Poseidon had taken the news very well, but I have no idea what my mom would do. I had always felt bad for Perce, because his Dad was so kind to me, and so easy going, whereas my mother was always threatening to, I quote: "Vaporise you, abominable Sea-Scum!" he put up with so much just to be with me, and sometimes when I thought about how horrid Athena was to him, I wondered how he convinced himself to stay! A short giggle turned me away from that train of thought. I looked down to see my son - who looked eerily like Percy, staring up at me but with my own big grey eyes. I knew, that even though he had already proved himself to be quite clever, he definitely had that trouble-maker streak from Percy. I didn't quite know how to explain it other than this little twinkle in his eyes that reminded me of the Stolls before they pulled a particularly good prank. Anyway, he was lying on his back with his arms outstretched tangling his hands in my hair. "Hey Baby," I cooed at him, and he smiled back happily, intertwining his legs in his fluffy blue onesie that Poseidon had given him. I found the Aviators that had apparently appeared when Apollo blessed him, and laid them on the side table for when he was older. Speaking of older, he already looked bigger. I mean he almost had a full head of hair, that was as wild and unkempt as Percy's. I lay with my arms braced either side of my little boy, and tickled his sides as he squirmed and laughed adorably. In truth, I was actually feeling okay despite giving birth last night. Aphrodite had kind of kept her word, the actual birth had been excruciating, but afterwards the pain faded relatively quickly. Luke shoved his fist in his mouth, and drooled all over it, making me laugh. "Luke! You are so like you father it's genuinely scary!" If anything, he laughed even more, his jet black hair waving wildly. In that one moment I had never felt so complete.

That morning, before going to breakfast, Thalia and Nico had come to check on me, and spent some time playing with Luke, and then Percy went with them to get us all some food. He also had said that he was going to ask Duumbledore to give them some time off so we could be a family. Family. I had been trying to puzzle out how we were going introduce Luke to the council without World War 3 breaking out. That would most certainly not be good. But, as I was about to learn, speak his name and the Devil shall come.

A blinding flash bathed the room in golden light, and Annabeth ducked her head away at the same time as shielding Luke's eyes. As it faded, Annabeth immediately recognised Athena's grey eyes, and soft dark hair, as well as the owl jumper. My eyes widened as I realised the situation, Athena had no idea that Luke existed, and I was pretty sure that she was not going to take it all too well. "Annabeth! What the Hades is going on? I felt that you were in horrible pain, I thought you were being tortured or..." Her eyes narrowed on Luke, and she stepped closer. " this?" She growled quietly. Being stubborn, I was not going to let my mother bully me into obedience. I jutted out my chin and clearly stated "Mom, I know you are going to get angry, but he is my son, Luke" Athena's eyes widened even more after every word if possible, and stood up straighter. "Well," she stated, "there is no point in asking who the father is, is it? He rather speaks for himself" Gesturing at Luke who had been quiet until now, but at that moment, he managed to sit up for the first time, and looked at Athena with those trademark eyes. Athena spent the next 30 seconds scrutinising my son, and I wasn't sure I liked it, but, as usual, Luke was not fazed. He simply stuck out his chubby little arms, and reached for Athena opening and closing his fists. After looking a bit awestruck for a moment, Athena strode over to my bedside, and looked at me, waiting for my permission. Slowly, not knowing if it was a good idea, I nodded. Anyways, Athena would have picked him up whatever I had said... Athena scooped up a gurgling Luke, who immediately leaned back so he could get a proper look at her. Athena narrowed her eyes, and I swear I heard her mumble, "If you have your father's brains I will blast him..." I raised an eyebrow at Athena who was still staring at Luke. Out of nowhere she leaned closer to Luke and said "Two times Two" Luke looked at her questioningly, before looking back at me as if to say, 'What the friggin heck is wrong with this Lady?!' He turned back at Athena, rolled his little eyes and held up four of his tiny fingers. Trying to suppress my laughter and shock, I clamped my hand tightly over my mouth. Athena, gobsmacked handed me back my son. "He is bright, but had the audacity to roll his eyes!" She looked down at me. "I approve, daughter, but where is the father, because I definitely still don't approve of him..." I smirked. Now it was my turn to surprise her. "Well, my fiancé went to get Luke and I breakfast" Athena promptly choked on her tea that she had picked up from somewhere, and with wide eyes exclaimed, "FIANCÉ! WHEN IN HADES DID THIS HAPPEN?!" I shrugged Nonchalantly. "Yesterday..." And I flashed the gorgeous ring that he had given me this morning, It had a large square gem, that swirled like a mix of blue Topaz, Emerald and Sapphire, with two triangular diamonds either side of it, all set into a gold band.

Athena had struggled to comprehend that I was 'Marrying the Sea-Spawn' As she put it, but promised not to kill him. Instead, she compromised and instead asked to play a little prank. 'Sure!' I had thought. 'What's the worst that could happen?' Oh, I have never been so wrong. As soon as I had agreed, Athena had smiled an evil sort of smile. "Summon the council!"


I was so happy for Percy and Annabeth, I mean sure, I had had a major crush on Percy, but I had Will now and I was totally over him. He wasn't even my type! Both me and Thalia were grinning all through breakfast and our first lesson, not being able to wait until our free period so we could go and see Luke again. He was literally just like a smart Percy, and he was going to be a hell of a looker. I was just so glad he was going to have the childhood that none of us had, and everyone at camp was going to make sure he did, as he was the first demigod child. The thing about our kids is that they are still demigods, as they get half their heritage from each parent. So we were betting that Luke would get all of Percy's powers seeing as he was blessed by Poseidon as well, but he would also be very clever and good with strategy. He was basically the perfect fighting machine, even though that would mean he would have a tough life, which made me feel slightly upset as he would get as much bad attention, if not more, from the enemy as Percy got. Brushing those thoughts aside, we made it to Potions and I spent the next hour wondering what Percy was up to, and if he had gotten in trouble yet, seeing as he had been pretty much angelic for a whole day and a half and that was a new record. Little did I know what situation he had gotten into...

A/N PLEASE READ !! I know I haven't updated in ages and it's really short, but to make up for it we are gonna..... HAVE A Q&A SESH !! So basics what is gonna happen, you can comment any question you want, and I will answer it !! I will put up all the answers on Thursday, so be quick and comment anything you want to know !!! Hope you enjoy because I will be writing the next chapter in the mean time ;) xxxxx Cookies for all <3

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