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I had been annoyed at first that Thalia wasn't Percy's girlfriend, but then I plotted my new plan of revenge on my way down to breakfast. I arrived with Ron and Hermione in the Great Hall and my eyes drifted slowly over the occupants of the Gryffindor table, eventually landing on a certain person who made my heart race with malice. Perseus Jackson, bane of my existance. I know he is a Death Eater and is just here to steal my glory and take over my school. Oh, Merlins Beard if he thinks he can get away with that his head really must be filled with aquatic vegetation... Anyways, as I was walking over to sit down at my table, I noticed something. Ron's gaze was fixed on Annabeth, his face becoming closer and closer to the shade of his hair colour. Wait! Ron LIKES her?! I had always thought that Ron had a secret thing for Hermione, but hey, what did I care? A soft chuckle brought me out of my ramblings, Percy was trying to let Annabeth feed her some fruit but she kept pushing his hand away each time. After a few more tries, Percy decided to play dirty. He grabbed her by the waist and tickled her sides, until she was shrieking with laughter. He took his chance and quickly popped a strawberry into her mouth. She death stared him for a moment, then just started laughing as she nudged his side with her elbow affectionately.

My annoyance at the couple quickly turned to curiosity as Ron chose this moment to storm over to Percy. He was probably going to give him, 'A piece of my bloody mind' in Ron terms. This was going to be fun, I thought as I cracked my knuckles and prepared myself for the show.


Okay, so in my defence, it was totally his fault. Me and Annabeth had spent the night in an underwater cave that I had found a few hours earlier while I was having a chat with Justin the giant squid. Nice fella that one... Ehem, Anyways moving swiftly on, Stupid ADHD... When the early rays of sunshine started to peek through the drapes of seaweed I had created I rubbed Annabeths back to wake her up, and went to grab her clothes, which were, by the way, still at the bottom of the lake where we had left them. When I was on my way back, I stopped to admire my handiwork. I had converted the cave into a sort of underwater holiday cottage, so that we could escape the others and pesky little wizards anytime we felt like it. So yeah, that sums up basically the best twelve hours of my life so far.

Going back to the topic of 'Pesky Wizards' One in particular managed to top the chart today. So I had been trying to make Annabeth let me feed her, whispering to her in her ear, "Don't you love meeee ?" But each time Annabeth swatted my hand away. In the end I came up with a plan. I know, I know, my plans almost always suck and end up getting me nearly, (key word is the nearly bit) killed or maimed or injured in any humanly possible way. I'm pretty sure I have broken every bone in my body by know, even my coccyx, which by the way hurt like a bitch! Argh! ADHD again... Okay so yeah, I was at breakfast with the love of my life thinking 'All is right with the world!' But no. I just always have to jinx it, don't I? No sooner than 20 seconds from thinking it, a very angry red head tapped me on the shoulder.

He was fuming, but I had no idea why, I don't think that I did anything to him... "Hey Ron! Whats up mate?" This only seemed to enrage him even more, and I was still really confused. I glanced to Annabeth for a bit of help, but she just smirked and went back to her breakfast, happy that I wasn't trying to feed or tickle her anymore. Ron looked even more angry at this and he turned to my Annie. "You shouldn't be with him. You deserve better, you deserve someone brave and loyal, and not cowardly and evil like him" I raised an eyebrow, remembering the last time I had been called 'Cowardly' was by Annabeth. The hurt still lingered a bit, but it was in the past and I was over it now. I finally ripped my gaze off of my blue waffles. "And who exactly are you to tell my girlfriend who she should go out with?" Annabeth grimaced slightly, feeling the hate roll off of me in waves, and she started to draw intricate patterns on my back to calm me down, which no doubt were architectural plans for Olympus. Ron puffed out his chest, so much that he looked a Pufferfish. Which is slightly ridiculous, seeing as I have met many of them, and they tend to be rather nice, very unlike the guy who was standing in front of me. He smirked slightly, which looked more like a grimace to me. "I have fought in a WAR ! You can't even imagine how brave I had to be to get through that! I bet all that you have ever done with your perfect little Ivy League life is to sit around playing football in your perfectly manicured garden, while your perfect Mum and Dad sat around in piles of money saying, 'honey we're so proud! You averaged at C+ !' You have no idea what it is to actually have to fight for something!" Ron was an ugly shade of Pink after his little rant. I was now breathing hard, my fork in my left hand bending under my blanching knuckles. I was holding back so hard that my ears were ringing and my vision was blurring, but I could faintly hear Annabeth shouting at Ron, and trying to push him away from me. She knew what would happen if she didn't. Nico and Thalia had arrived by now, and they were standing protectively in front of me. My hold on myself was slipping, beads of sweat ran down my face and the room started to shake slightly. I could still hear Ron's words firing around my head like angry wasps - "Perfect Life..." "Dad..." "Fight."

I'm not too sure when Thalia used the mist to convince everyone to leave the room, so that the only people that remained was Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, Harry, Ron and I, but I'm glad that they did. I was now clutching at my hair, and I could tell that my eyes would be swirling with the oncoming storm. Knowing that the wizards would not stand a chance against an angry Halfblood I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the groaning water pipes, that were straining to escape their metallic prison, and looked up to the wizards, who were shifting from foot to foot, probably wondering why everyone had left. I growled out through gritted teeth, "Run. Run now and you might just make it out of here alive" just as Dumbledore barged in through the doors. "Mr Weasly! That is quite enough, and now kindly step away from Mr Jackson" Its gonna be okay... Thank the Gods. Ron snorted, and shook his head "NEVER! Not unless she comes with me!" At this moment, Ron made his fatal mistake. He grabbed Annabeth roughly by the arm, and started to drag her away from me. BIG. FUCKING. MISTAKE. Albus barely had time to shout "RONALD, LET HER GO!" and apparate Harry away from the scene. I could feel my eyes swirling, and I knew that the lake would be churning outside. The room began to shake violently, the tables and benches falling over violently and the stone flagstones started to shift in their positions. With my last ounce of control, I screamed at Thalia to do something, or I knew that this school would make a lovely ruin when I was done with it. Naturally, Thalia did the least helpful think she could have done. She blasted me with lightning. HARD. I felt my skin melting off my bones, and my body flew, lifelessly through the great doors of the hall, blowing off their hinges, through the castle walls and into the lake. My last conscious thought was
of the murky faces of the naiads as they laid me on the sandy lakebed, and the warning from my Aunt on what was to come.

A/N I am literally SO sorry I haven't updated, but I have been in France! but anyways, had bit of a Persassy meltdown, but got another idea for what to do for the next chapt. ;) Might be a bit of a filler so that I can get everything going ! Woo anyways gonna go chill now, emotionally drained :') luv y'all and remember to comment and vote <3

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