Chapter Two

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  I do my best to ignore the monster and I go over to some handkerchiefs tied together and I start to climb up them. I crawl through a window with bars on it into a room with a sink. I land on a box and I quickly hop off it onto the floor. I flick open my lighter and light a lamp in the corner of the room. It sets off a small glow. I see a door with a creepy eye on it and I hope those things aren't all over this place. I go over to the door and push it open because it's slightly ajar. I find myself in a room with what looks like wooden toilets. A rat runs away from me even though it's bigger then me. I see a door with bars and those bars are throwing off sparks. I think the door is electrified.
  If Mono was here he would be stupid and touch the bars. That thought makes me give a small sad smile. I look around and see a lever behind the door I just pushed open. I go over to the lever and see a box full of toilet paper that I can push under it to hopefully turn off the power. I don't want to do all this without him but I have to. I go over to the bars and peer through them. I can see what looks like a playroom behind them and another barred up door. Most likely electrified like this one. I go over to the box of toilet paper and drag it under the lever. I pull on the lever and here a timer start I flick open my lighter and squeeze through the bars of the door I start to run but something catches the light from my lighter and grabs my attention. I go over to a dresser with black handprints on it and above me I see something very familiar. Too familiar. Painfully familiar.
  My music box. The memory hits me hard.

  My fingers curl around my music box as Mono enters my room. I scoot away from him protecting my music box. "Hey Six." He calls. I inch forward still holding my music box and Mono walks around me and picks up a hammer. He drags it behind him as he walks towards me. "I'm sorry Six but I have to do this." He heaves the hammer over his shoulder and slams it on my music box.

  Suddenly the lights in here turn back on. My stupid memory made me forget about the need to get out of here. I here a toy train go off as it starts back up. Beside the dresser is a seesaw, and beside that is two swings. I see a vent above the dresser that I can easily hop through if I can get up it. I see if I can move the seesaw so the lowered part is lifted up to the dresser's level, I can easily run onto the dresser. I hop onto the seesaw and walk across it making the higher side fall. I turn and run, jumping onto the dresser. I hop through the vent into the room with the lever and pull it. Forgetting about the music box I slip through the bars, run through the play room, and squeeze through the other bars right before they turn back on.
  I flick open my lighter as I walk past some doors that look like prison doors. I wish Mono were here so I could hold his hand. I walk past some blocks and through a doorway into a room with a bed leaning against the wall of the doorframe. I continue walking forward to hear ths screech of metal and a glowing eye turns to shine it's light on me. Luckily I'm in the shadow of a pillar. I don't know what would happen if the light touched me, but judging from the kid shaped statues scattered about the room, nothing good. As the eye turns its light away I dash forward and duck behind an overturned bed. The eye turns it's attention away from the bed and I dash forward again. I'm in a part of the room that the eye thankfully can't reach and see a bunch of boxes and cages.
  I crawl on top of one of them and flick open my lighter. I see a lamp on another box and crawl up to it lighting it. I sit down and think about what Mono would do if he was here. Probably make a joke about the eye. I sigh and pull out his paper bag from my raincoat pocket. Even if he's dead I'm going back to the city. I need to know. I wipe a tear away that's forming in my eye and put his bag back into my pocket. It's stupid to hold onto it but it brings me comfort, it's the only thing I have left of him. I stand up and turn around to see some cages behind me. I start climbing up them ready for whatever is next. I flick on my lighter when I reach the top and I hear rushing wind again. I walk into the room on my left and a strong guest of wind blows the door shut. My feet are on a soft carpet but that doesn't comfort me. A door opens and that long armed monster walks inside. Before I can close my lighter I can see that the top half of the monster's skin on it's head is pulled down over where it's eyes would be. I quietly walk on the carpet under a bed and I see the monster has short stumpy legs.

He wouldn't make a very fast runner, now would he Six?

  Mono's voice says in my head. I smile at that comment even though Mono isn't here. The monster who voice Mono thinks is a guy walks out of this room slowly. Most likely because of his short legs. I creep forward walking away from the monster as he checks the room I was in before. I find myself in another room and there are some climbable cages next to me. I waist no time and climb them and hop onto a shelf not to far above them. I run and jump onto another shelf that is right below a vent. I flick open my lighter and start crawling through the vent. When I come out of the other side I fall onto a box sending a rat scurrying away. I jump down from that box onto the floor and as I start to walk forward my stomach growls and I clutch it needing food.

I'm hungry.

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